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I can't do Latin next yr. Really!


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I decided very calmly & rationally to save Latin for later. I gave up on Spanish for now.


I told dh I'm taking next yr off--just doing SOTW 3, NOEO Chem I, AVKO/SWO, lots of reading/read alouds, FIAR, Singapore for both big ones, & some writing, Slow & Steady for littles. (He laughed.)


But...it's. so. hard. to. let. go.


We've got the 3 R's for the big 2, plus chem & hist. Can that be ok? I mean, that's about all we did this yr, too, but I didn't *plan* to only do that, kwim? W/ baby coming, though, I'm SCARED.

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Yes. Your kiddos are still pretty young . Take the year off and enjoy your new little one . And if he/she comes on 8/8/08 that would just be totally awesome . My 4th was born 8/8/06 , so her birthday will be 8/8/08 this year ! :>)

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Your kids are young. I don't see any problem waiting to do Latin. We didn't start until my dss were 8. The way I look at it, if they were in ps again they'd get to learn Latin.....never.


Ack. But mine *will* be 8. He's going into 3rd g. You know, just when WTM says to do Latin.


Not that I'm a slave to WTM. Really. :lol:

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Ack. But mine *will* be 8. He's going into 3rd g. You know, just when WTM says to do Latin.


Not that I'm a slave to WTM. Really. :lol:


But you need to do what works best for YOUR family. Isn't that one of the benefits of homeschooling? I think it would be better to wait a year and enjoy the languages than to try to force it when it's not fitting your present situation. Maybe you could re-evaluate in 6 months instead of a year.

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I would definitely go with the lighter schedule and save Latin for later. Then, if you find you have time for it, you could add Latin in and you would feel good about accomplishing something "extra", instead of planning to teach it this fall, and then being stressed when you find you don't have the time.

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If it makes you feel any better I've decided to wait another year for Latin too. And I decided it even without considering my newborn (who is due today and shows no signs of coming:confused:). My ds will be 4th grade this fall, but I just feel like we need to work harder on writing skills (his reading finally took off this past year) and I'm thinking Latin will only be easier after another year of English grammar.


(I don't typically uphold my own ps education as a model of anything, but I had Latin in highschool and I enjoyed it and I understood it because I had a fairly decent grasp of grammar already).


That's my .02. Besides if you do all your foreign language now, what will you count for highschool credit later?:D


Happy planning! Happy nesting!

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