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If you have used MUS, can you please help me....

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I have a MUS question-dd12, rising 7th grader, has done CLE math grades 1-6. She can do the formulas perfectly but has no conceptual understanding at ALL. She just barely tolerates math but is very bright (prbly gifted) in other subjects.


A df gave me some MUS dvds (only up to Zeta) and all the manipulatives, so dd and I looked at the online samples today and she really loved it (!) and lightbulbs were going on for her like crazy. The way he explained decimals, she said she did understand decimals, but it took her two yrs in CLE to piece together for herself how fractions/decimals were related, and why didn't they just explain it in five minutes like he did?! I am NOT mathy and basically learned math in a very formulaic way like CLE does it, so I'm no help!


So here is my thought-have her just WATCH the Epsilon (fractions) and Zeta (decimals) dvds that I have here over this summer. She knows all this material; I just think it will give her the conceptual WHY behind what she's been doing in CLE. Then over the next full yr (Sept-Aug) have her do the MUS Pre-Alg and Alg. I don't want to skip their Pre-Alg because I think she can use the slower pace and foundation. So the MUS Pre-Alg and Alg would basically be her Pre-Alg. (I might have her continue doing selected problems out of CLE7 too because it is VERY spiral, which she needs for retention and basic arithmetic practice, which she definitely still needs. This would prbly only take her about 20 min/day. I have allotted plenty of math time in our schedule over the next yr-it will be our priority-firming up basic arithmetic and giving her the lacking conceptual.)


Then in Fall 2013 for 8th grade, she'd do another good Algebra course either at home or we may be putting her in a private school where she'd then do a good Algebra program (and then continue from there.)


She will never be a math major, but she may possibly be interested in the health field (physical therapy, nurse, chiropractor?) and she is interested in science but who knows if that would be where she ends up. At any rate, I don't want to sell her short, but I don't want to overwhelm her either. I would like to have her ready for Algebra by 8th grade because it is pretty sure about the private school.


For reference, CLE considers both 7 and 8 to be pre-alg but on these boards I see most people just do 7 and then go into algebra. So I think she is at the point of doing pre-alg IF she also continues getting plenty of basic arithmetic practice too. MUS seems like a good compromise for our needs (along with CLE7). What do you think about this progression?


Other options I considered were the CLE7 for the spiral with some LOF and Hands-On Equations alongside for the conceptual, but I think MUS really clicks for her for conceptual; could firm things up for her conceptually before moving on to Algebra, AND yet would still be a more robust and true Pre-Algebra than the other combo I was considering.


Thanks so much if you read through this and have any thoughts!




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I think it sounds like a wonderful plan that will work well for your daughter. (And don't beat yourself up that you didn't use MUS sooner. Math concepts, like learning to read, sometimes just need time and THEN the right explanation to really *click* for someone.)

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I think you have a good plan as well. We just discovered MUS last year. My dd used it for geometry and did very well. Of course we went back to the Lial text I used for another dc this year for Algebra 2 and she just hit a wall. We went back to MUS for Algebra 2 and she is doing very well. She understands it as she finally "sees it". She is a visual learner and this curriculum works great for her.


Your dd is young enough that you want those fractions and decimals to be solid before she moves to algebra. If they are not it will be difficult for her.

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I used MUS this way--as a way to remediate conceptual deficiencies. I had my son do one worksheet for each lesson, and for the first part of each level, he did multiple lessons in a day. You could easily get through Epsilon and Zeta in a summer.


As for doing MUS Prealgebra and Algebra I, with a gifted child I would be inclined to go with a more rigorous program. My son was ready for Jacobs Algebra after MUS Zeta and we did it over two years. It gave him a solid foundation for Algebra II and beyond. Another choice would be the Lial books. Or if you don't want to do the grading, Derek Owens's courses are excellent.

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We started MUS in just the same way. My kids were pulled from public school where they were A students but didn't understand any of what they were doing in math. I started them both in Epsilon. Ds did Epsilon & Zeta in one year, then Pre-Algebra and started Algebra the next. Dd did them one book per year (she started in 5th grade). It was very helpful in getting them understanding, not just the ability to do problems.

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Thanks-it's great to know that this worked well for others.


I do have Lial's Pre-Algebra here-she would know a surprising amount of it, even after just CLE 6! I like the idea of Jacob's Alg over two yrs too (alongside MUS)-I will have to take a look at it.


Definitely going to keep going w/ the MUS and do something alongside of it (Jacob's, CLE7, or Lial's?) We are now about 8 lessons into Epsilon and it is certainly helping her nail down the conceptual!

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We started MUS in just the same way.


It was very helpful in getting them understanding, not just the ability to do problems.



I like the idea of Jacob's Alg over two yrs too (alongside MUS)-I will have to take a look at it.



That sounds like a nice combo. I have Jacob's Alg here on my shelf but it doesn't appeal to me. Lots of words on the page. I do like MUS for algebra since it teaches conceptually, has minimal clutter on a page, has an optional video (which dd9 enjoys), and complete solutions. I happen to use MUS alg w/ other alg resources so it isn't a stand-alone for us.


Here is dd working on some MUS alg problems from last week. Many of my math-related blog posts illustrate the various math methods I use. MUS blocks may be just what your dd needs for math to come alive. If anything, it's a nice change of scenery.


You are blessed that a df gave you the blocks. Check out Steve Demme's alg demo on youtube so you can see what's coming down the pike.


HTH! :)

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I have a MUS question-dd12, rising 7th grader, has done CLE math grades 1-6. She can do the formulas perfectly but has no conceptual understanding at ALL. She just barely tolerates math but is very bright (prbly gifted) in other subjects.


A df gave me some MUS dvds (only up to Zeta) and all the manipulatives, so dd and I looked at the online samples today and she really loved it (!) and lightbulbs were going on for her like crazy. The way he explained decimals, she said she did understand decimals, but it took her two yrs in CLE to piece together for herself how fractions/decimals were related, and why didn't they just explain it in five minutes like he did?! I am NOT mathy and basically learned math in a very formulaic way like CLE does it, so I'm no help!


So here is my thought-have her just WATCH the Epsilon (fractions) and Zeta (decimals) dvds that I have here over this summer. She knows all this material; I just think it will give her the conceptual WHY behind what she's been doing in CLE. Then over the next full yr (Sept-Aug) have her do the MUS Pre-Alg and Alg. I don't want to skip their Pre-Alg because I think she can use the slower pace and foundation. So the MUS Pre-Alg and Alg would basically be her Pre-Alg. (I might have her continue doing selected problems out of CLE7 too because it is VERY spiral, which she needs for retention and basic arithmetic practice, which she definitely still needs. This would prbly only take her about 20 min/day. I have allotted plenty of math time in our schedule over the next yr-it will be our priority-firming up basic arithmetic and giving her the lacking conceptual.)


Then in Fall 2013 for 8th grade, she'd do another good Algebra course either at home or we may be putting her in a private school where she'd then do a good Algebra program (and then continue from there.)


She will never be a math major, but she may possibly be interested in the health field (physical therapy, nurse, chiropractor?) and she is interested in science but who knows if that would be where she ends up. At any rate, I don't want to sell her short, but I don't want to overwhelm her either. I would like to have her ready for Algebra by 8th grade because it is pretty sure about the private school.


For reference, CLE considers both 7 and 8 to be pre-alg but on these boards I see most people just do 7 and then go into algebra. So I think she is at the point of doing pre-alg IF she also continues getting plenty of basic arithmetic practice too. MUS seems like a good compromise for our needs (along with CLE7). What do you think about this progression?


Other options I considered were the CLE7 for the spiral with some LOF and Hands-On Equations alongside for the conceptual, but I think MUS really clicks for her for conceptual; could firm things up for her conceptually before moving on to Algebra, AND yet would still be a more robust and true Pre-Algebra than the other combo I was considering.


Thanks so much if you read through this and have any thoughts!





We have used and loved MUS now for quite a few years. First of all, if your dd is not going to be a math major, why push her through Prealg AND Alg in one year? Especially if you say she has no conceptual understanding. My suggestion is to start with the MUS Prealg and see how she does. If she is happy, I wouldn't push it too hard. Then she can tackle the Alg 1 in 8th. If you continue with the MUS sequence, it is very good math and sufficient, even if it doesn't move as fast as some other programs mentioned here. MUS takes more time to teach understanding and true mastery over sheer volume. My son is in 10th and started MUS in 7th with Prealg, with Alg 1 following in 8th. He is truly enjoying, but still being challenged, by MUS Alg 2. We do supplement with Life of Fred because it adds a different take on the math, with much more application to real life. My experience with pushing math too much, too early is massive burnout. If your dd is doing well with MUS, why switch? And doing MUS Prealg, Alg 1 AND CLE all at once sounds like too much. Maybe your CLE alongside Prealg in 7th and Alg in 8th? DS used Hands on Equations in 6th and LOVED it. Kids can manipulate algebraic equations at a young age, but the true abstract understanding of what they are doing and why truly comes with maturity ;)

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