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Caesar's English old vs. enhanced

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We are going to start vocabulary next year and I really like the look of MCT Caesar's English in general. I see that there is an older version and a new, enhanced version so I'm wondering which I should use. The main differences I see besides price are that it ties in better with other MCT products (which we don't use), it has more photos/history of Rome (we studied last year) and talks more about the English-Spanish connection (we study French, not Spanish). But it is supposed to have more reinforcement activities like word searches which are things my kiddos really enjoy.


So my question for those who have seen the old and new: Is the new version worth the extra $25 for a family like ours?


Thanks for your help!


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I'm glad you asked; I've been wondering the same thing! The sample for the new edition shows so much more than the older edition sample, and looks more fun/interesting. I can't tell if the things I like in the new sample are really in the older one or not.

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We're doing Caesar's English I now, there seems to be plenty of word searches (which my son also enjoys!) The discussion on Rome is more than adequate, IMO, (we have also done Rome this year for history), I wouldn't want it to be any "heavier" here. And honestly, I skip over most of the Spanish, I find it a little distracting. Showing him the connection between the English words and the Latin roots seems plenty, without dragging Spanish into it. (Yeah, I get that it's really similar, but he isn't learning Spanish right now.)


So for us, it would not be worth the upgrade. But if you want the extra discussion of Rome plus pictures (I'm sure they're nice!), then maybe you'd want the new book.

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Since many RAVE reviews about Caeser's English (the old version) are written before the enhanced came out, i opted to buy a used copy(you only need the TM for the older version), and spent only a fraction of what the new costs.

It IS plenty and there is a word search exercise and a quiz for each lesson, plus cumulative reviews and tests every 5 lessons. I don't care about much Roman history in a vocab book any way, so what is there in the old version is more than enough.

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The above links discuss the new vs. old CE and I did pretty lengthy comparisons of the two in each thread - can't bear to repeat myself, but I am one who found the enhanced CE well worth the price! FWIW.

Edited by rroberts707
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The above links discuss the new vs. old CE and I did pretty lengthy comparisons of the two in each thread - can't bear to repeat myself, but I am one who found the enhanced CE well worth the price! FWIW.


I had a hard time finding your review on your blog, so here is the link. It is a great review! Very detailed! Thanks! http://www.aesoptooz.com/tag/michael-clay-thompson/

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Since many RAVE reviews about Caeser's English (the old version) are written before the enhanced came out, i opted to buy a used copy(you only need the TM for the older version), and spent only a fraction of what the new costs.

It IS plenty and there is a word search exercise and a quiz for each lesson, plus cumulative reviews and tests every 5 lessons. I don't care about much Roman history in a vocab book any way, so what is there in the old version is more than enough.


Why do you only need the TM for the old version and not the new one?

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The old TM has all the students pages in the first 3/4 of th book. The last 1/4 has quizzes and tests NOT filled in and the answers are on a separate pages or place. Yu can use just the TM with no student book at all. The new TM has the student pages, but all the exercises are filled in with answers, so you will have to have the student book, too.

For me, if it does a good job for teaching vocab and is reasonably priced, I don't need the upgraded version. As I said in my previous post, all the rave reviews have been written BEFORE the enhanced version came out. I don't need all the added Rome or other info. And you can't beat the price for the older version when you only need TM. If you can find a used copy, it saves you even more.

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I had a hard time finding your review on your blog, so here is the link. It is a great review! Very detailed! Thanks! http://www.aesoptooz.com/tag/michael-clay-thompson/


That's actually my blog :)

I'm loving the new edition but I've never seen the original, so can't say how they compare. My guess would be that if you're not particularly into roman art or history the original would be plenty

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That's actually my blog :)

I'm loving the new edition but I've never seen the original, so can't say how they compare. My guess would be that if you're not particularly into roman art or history the original would be plenty


Oh, mercy, Shann - did I almost get credit for your blog? I should be so lucky! ;)

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