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Questions about Story of the World Vol 1

Guest EightWonders

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Guest EightWonders

Hi everyone! I am new to the group and would like to introduce myself as a homeschooling mom of 8 wonderful children. This list is huge!


I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am using SOTW Vol 1 for the first time this year with my 2nd, 5th and K child. (Assuming all will learn at their own level.) Today, I was trying to get the suggested book lists all written up as well as a daily plan for each chapter, and the materials list written up for the suggested activities. Has anyone already DONE all of this? If so, would you mind sharing??? I spent an hour trying to write down all the books for a library book list that I can just take out and take along, and I wanted to gather the materials ahead of time since with so many, things like neat activities don't get accomplished unless I gather everything beforehand. I only got to Chapter 4 in one hour!!!


I had thought about just planning out the lists during the school year, week by week, but franklly, I know myself and how little free time I end up having to plan when school is in full swing, and I figured it is now or never.


So specifically I was looking for:


* materials for the activities list all written up for SOTW Vol.1 (ex: 24 paper towel rolls, clay, etc. etc.)

* suggested book list that has been listed out that I can just put in a folder and take along easily to the library each week.

* and less importantly, but if someone has it planned out, a daily lesson plan for this? (I have the suggestions for the week written up already as they were laid out in the activity guide, and assuming I have the materials and book lists separated and grouped into weeks, I would not need this as much, but every little bit helps! :001_smile:


Is there anyone who can help this busy Mom? If not, IF I can get it finished, I would be happy to share my book list and materials list when I am finished. (I assume this is allowed??? Just thought of that. ) Maybe someone can let me know that too!!! :001_smile:

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I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but in my library system, I can create a list (all online) of books kind of like a wish list, and i can organize it. So if you spend the time now to create the list of books, organize them by chapter and then request them 2 weeks before you need them.

Would that help?


I'm also in the process of getting it all organized for vol. I, so I don't have anything to share....


The other thing to consider is that the problem with coming up with an exhaustive list of materials for all the activities is that you may find you won't do all the activities or substitute for something your kids are more into, and it might be hard to figure it all out during the week you're doing it if you've already planned it. At least, that's why I'm doing only week by week (but 2-3 weeks in advance because that's how long our library takes sometimes).

Clear as mud right? :lol::tongue_smilie:


I hope someone else can be more helpful....

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once school is in full force I don't have time to do all the hunting down of materials either.


This is not exactly what you are looking for but here are a few ideas learned from my experience doing SOTW 1 last year:


All the activities in the AG are not meant to be done so you more than likely there won't be a master list of all materials for all projects. Someone would lose their mind trying to do it all. The same is true of all the books listed in the AG. Here is what I am doing for SOTW 2 and it may spark your own ideas. Last year doing SOTW 1 I learned that, like you, I didn't have time to stop and gather and hunt. We ended up only reading the chapter, doing a narration, completing the color page and the mapwork. I feel that we missed out on so much by not doing some of the supplemental stuff that can really make history come alive!


First I went through the AG, did my own research and asked questions on this board to find one to two "must-have" books to supplement each chapter. I purchased these books since I can't count on my library to have what I need when I need it - even with inter-library loan.


Then I am going to plan 6 (or 9 - haven't decided for sure) weeks at a time. When I plan I will choose all the activities we will do and at that time I will purchase and collect all necessary materials for the project(s). I have a designated milk crate in my schoolroom that will hold all these materials.


Last, I will do a better job of pre-reading each chapter as well as all the supplemental books before I read it to the boys. I will be so much better prepared.


Hope this helps you a little bit. I hope others out there will be able to help you more!

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Must be the moon, lol, I started the same project last night. :)


I only did through chapter 3 b/c I have to put the books on hold at the library, and we're allowed to keep them 3 weeks.


I also only wrote the projects that I thought my son would enjoy the most.


Here's what I've gotten so far -

INTRODUCTION – How Do We Know What Happened?

*Read, review, and narrate

*Activity: History of My Family book –

Make copies of AP 2 and gather photos for each person & buy brads.

*Activity: Dirty Dig - Bury some stuff in the sand box to find.

Extra reading: Magic School Bus Archeology; Me and My Family Tree


Ch. 1 - The Earliest People

*Read, review, and narrate

*Coloring Page, AP 5

*Map Work, AP 4

*Activity: Make a Cave Painting

Need brown paper bag, brown/black paint

*Activity: Build a Hut in your backyard, using what you find (for a toy or yourself)

Extra reading: It’s Disgusting and We Ate It!


Ch. 2 - Egyptians Lived on the Nile River

*Read, review, and narrate

*Coloring Page, AP 7

*Map Work, AP 6

*Activity: Make a Model of the Nile

Need grass seed, potting soil, rocks, pebbles, 3” deep aluminum pan; foil; water

Extra reading: Croco’nile; Egyptian Gods and Goddesses


I saw a blog that had copywork on it, too. I want to say it was Smooth Stones Academy, maybe? (lol, I guess we were posting at the same time! I love your blog!)
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Here are my plans with materials listed weekly and extra books used throughout. My plan was to use it in conjunction with Sonlight Core 1, but you could easily do it alone. Here's the link to Smooth Stones list of copywork for SOTW 1. Hope that helps!


(Sorry Jennefer I didn't see that you had already responded! Thanks for the copywork list, we are looking forward to using it next year!)

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I have found Yahoo groups to be a great resource for this type of information on specific books or curricula. There is a SOTW group for each volume - here is the Volume 1 group. Check the files section and you will find schedules, booklists, materials lists, audio book lists, coloring pages... all sorts of useful things.

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Guest EightWonders

Thank you all for your great response! I really was helped a lot and I particularly liked the link to the Volume 1 group. I was able to find what I needed under their files! They have all the book lists, the materials list AND a lesson plan!!!!! The stress level just went WAY down!! :001_smile:

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