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I finally got "the" call. I am to report for Jury selection tomorrow

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In Arkansas we are on call for 4 months and my turn has come up LOL. I was praying before they would excuse me, which didn't happen, so hopefully I wont get chosen tomorrow.


Not terribly important, but I don't know if I can wear regular pants yet as my belly button incision is still pretty sore. I have been wearing sweat pants and I wonder what they would think if I showed up in them LOL

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Wear the sweats. When they ask WHY - tell them, i had surgery a few days ago. But really, don't risk hurting yourself and your incision over it. Flash it if you have to :D


Here in FL you are excused if you have a child at home under 6 and don't work. I'd be fine for going - but the 2 times they hit me up i was #1 pregnant & due any day, but DD hadn't turned 6 yet & then #2 i was nursing and still had an under 6yo in the house.


DH's boss went to his court date in shorts - he was working, it was the middle of the day - and they threw him OUT of the court since he wasn't properly dressed.


But i'd probably call and ask about attire i guess.

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Not to hijack your thread or anything, but I just wanted to tell you that every time I see your new picture I am just so amazed at how great you look!!! I think it is so impressive what you have done!!! Did you have surgery? I was on vacation so missed any news.

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Not to hijack your thread or anything, but I just wanted to tell you that every time I see your new picture I am just so amazed at how great you look!!! I think it is so impressive what you have done!!! Did you have surgery? I was on vacation so missed any news.



Thank you! :) I had my gallbadder out and an umbilcal hernia repaired on Wednesday. I feel wonderful now though.

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Thank you! :) I had my gallbadder out and an umbilcal hernia repaired on Wednesday. I feel wonderful now though.


I figured it had to do with your gallbladder since that has been giving you problems for quite a while. I'm glad you are feeling better!!

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I got my "official letter" and have to report for jury duty on Thursday! I haven't had to do this in so many years that I can't even remember when it was.


We serve for one month in my county, and it starts by reporting for duty at 8:00 a.m. in person. They may not let me serve since my grown ds is a police officer, but I really don't think I'm biased. I hope they let me serve, I really do.


Guess I'd better go pack my book and get out the knitting gear. I've been putting off learning to knit and somehow this seems like a good time.




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I got my "official letter" and have to report for jury duty on Thursday! I haven't had to do this in so many years that I can't even remember when it was.



Too funny! I don't really mind serving and I am looking forward to learning the ins and outs. I just don't want a long trial, thats all I ask LOL.

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I don't know how it is in other states....... but in Georgia, if you homeschool you are exempt from jury duty....... at least until the kids are a certain age or something.


Here you can only be excused for very little. She said she didn't care if you had a nursing baby. Get a bottle. No baby sitter, find one. etc. Yikes .

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