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Need advice on Saxon Algebra 1/2 or 1 from those who have BTDT


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Please let me preface by saying that we will not consider any other curriculum than Saxon Math for next year. So, while I appreciate that you love your xyz program, Saxon is the one constant that has always worked for ds, and yes, we've tried many other programs. So.... if you've used Saxon for middle grades, wwyd?


Ds is finishing Saxon 8/7. He has done okay. Not fabulous, just okay. He gets concepts pretty well, but could always use more practice.


From what I can see, Saxon 8/7 (3rd ed.) and Algebra 1/2 (3rd ed.) seem to be covering the same thing, but I can't tell from the samples if they are at the same pace or even the same material.


I am hesitant to skip Algebra 1/2 given ds's math skills and performance, but I do not believe he needs to, essentially, repeat 8/7 again either.


If you have seen and used 8/7, Algebra 1/2 and Algebra 1, could you give me some insight as to the progression and difference as you saw them?


Where would you place your hard-working, but average-performing math student?


TIA! :001_smile:

Edited by Audrey
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I was told that 8/7 and Algebra 1/2 are almost the same and if a child did well in 8/7 they would move to Algebra, but if they were having trouble, Algebra 1/2 was a stepping stone to Algebra 1. My suggestion would be to talk to Art Reed (http://www.homeschoolwithsaxon.com/) or e-mail him. He's very knowledgeable with the program and is quick to answer. He helped me place my ds into algebra 1/2 appropriately. Saxon 8/7 has daily reinforcement of math facts (warm up exercises) and the pace seems a lot slower. Algebra 1/2 seems to have more "oomph" to it. There are no warm up exercises and the problems they give require decent math computation skills. If I were in your position, I would move onto algebra 1/2 to give him more time to work with the algebraic concepts. If it's any encouragement, the Classical Conversations program goes through 8/7 in 7th and Algebra 1/2 in 8th. But e-mail Art Reed, I think he'll be able to help you figure it out the best



Edited by bethben
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When my second ds was in 7th grade he did 8/7 and he did well until the last 5 or 6 tests and then his grades on tests had a significant dip (from the 80's to the 70's) and he was having to review lessons so we did Algebra 1/2 during his eighth grade year. He sailed through it and I've never regretted that year of "repeat". There is a lot of review but also some new concepts mixed in between the two books. He's now making it easily through Algebra I with a low A average so I'm satisfied that we made the right decision for him.


I did some research in Art Reed's book at the time we were deciding between Algebra 1/2 and Algebra 1 and one of the factors he said to consider was whether test grades were dropping at the end of the 8/7 book so that's why I made the decision I did.

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We didn't do all three, but I think that is going to be the case with many on the board so I'll share our experience in case it's helpful. I talk Saxon with lots of families so this is drawing from what I've learned there too.


We went 7/6, Alg 1/2, Alg 1, Alg 2.


My understanding, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, is that you do either 8/7 OR Alg 1/2 with a typical student. That doing both would only be for kids who were stalling a year to wait for more maturity before Alg, or those who were really really struggling conceptually. I also have read that in the newer editions 8/7 is preferred, and in older editions 1/2 is better. So it sounds like you've been on the right track.


So I think since you have the newer edition 8/7, moving ahead to Alg 1 and taking it slow--doing every problem set and backing up if you hit a roadblock--would be fine, even for a student who is average in math.


I've even seen another family jump straight from 7/6 to Alg 1 and just work very slowly through it.


If cost wasn't an issue I guess ideally you'd get Alg 1/2 and work though the last 30 problem sets or so to make sure you've got it all covered, but if it were me I'd just give Alg 1 a shot and prepare to do every problem set, every test, and work slow and steady through it.


Hope this helps!

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My son recently finished 87 and has started Algebra 1 with no break. So far he has tested through chapter 36.


What I have noticed -

Yes, there is review, but the problems are more complex than what he has seen at the end of 87. For instance, combining like terms may have several variables with both positive and negative exponents.


There are also some early lessons on vocabulary and number sets. (The sets and brackets that I learned in first grade that I kept expecting to see when I started homeschooling, don't show up in Saxon until Algebra!)


He took test 9 today - I'll let him continue to test 10, but I really think we will have to stop and start working through the lessons soon. He really does not want to do that! I also let him look through the lessons before he takes the test.


That to say - it seems like the review portion of the book in Algebra 1 will be shorter than the review chapters in the middle grades.


DS does not like math but he does get the concepts. I did not want to go through pre-algebra a second time with him - I think it would kill us both!! But if we need to slow down going through Algebra we will.

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Has he done well on the last 15 tests in the 87 book? If so, my suggestion is to move on to Alg. 1 but if he struggles, just slow down the pace to more than 1 day per lesson. Supplement with videos from Khan Academy if needed. If he still isn't getting it, step back into 1/2.

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This is a quote from Art Reed that I had saved from another thread once upon a time. :)

"Because the Math 87 and algebra 1/2 books contain basically the same material, if she completes all the lessons and tests in Math 87 and receives 80's or better on her last five Math 87 tests, she has indicated that she has made up the differences and is ready for algebra. She can skip algebra 1/2 and go straight to algebra 1."


And this is one I saved from yet another thread that came from the Saxon Site.

"If your child finishes Math 8/7 with at least 80% mastery, skip ahead to Algebra 1."


If you find the need to use 1/2, you could always give him the tests until he scores an 80-85% or below. Then slow down and work on the material from there.


HTH :001_smile:

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I'm torn between review and possibly boring him, or going into Algebra 1 and overwhelming him.


I do remember reading in another thread, that the problems in Algebra 1/2 are more complex than 87 as well. If that helps. The course should be more challenging and maybe not as likely to bore him.


I agree with the posters that mention how he fared in his last 5 tests.


Another thing I am doing is continuing with the 87 fact sheets.

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