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1st Grade Science Quandry

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My rising 1st grader LOVES science, LOVES animals, and can't wait to start doing "science" as a subject in the fall...he is even wanting to get a a labcoat to make it official! :D Thing is, he already knows most of the material covered in the reccommended spines for the year. I was thinking of doing Easy Classical science, and I also looked at REAL Science 4 Kids and Christian Kids Explore Biology. I am stuck. I want him to continue to be excited about animals, be challenged but not frustrated, do some related experiments and learn something new....is that asking too much??? ;)


ps - He is not a fan of bugs or worms if that helps. HA!

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We love living books when studying animals and I have a list if you're interested in that. We also raise critters whenever we're studying biology, such as anoles, betas, hermit crabs, goldfish, turtles, frogs, etc.


Some wonderful person here not long ago posted a great, free biology curriculum that's available online (in color, too)! I love the look of it, too. Here's the website for it:



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My rising 1st grader LOVES science, LOVES animals, and can't wait to start doing "science" as a subject in the fall...he is even wanting to get a a labcoat to make it official!


We are in same boat. I intend to move up to a somewhat harder spine (Jinny Johnson's book...see my sig), start doing narration on them, AND will do hands-on for ANY discipline (chemistry, etc) for fun. I got a Magiscope, some slides, a magnifying lens in a good stand, More Magnets to Mudpies, some fun "layers of the earth" books, etc and I continue to sprinkle our days with "term dropping" (Kid: the water beads together on the waxed car! Me: Surface tension. OR Kid: they get the runners wet to make them slide over the snow (while watching Nanook of the North)! Me: Coefficient of friction...the water freezes and it is slippery OR Kid: the juice on the porch was liquid and turned into a slushy when I picked it up! Me: supercooled.)



We will do the garden thing again next spring (and every year, I hope) and right now my yard is booming with life, so birds and insects will wait until next June, and we'll do the body over the winter. I hope to do less "human body" and more comparative anat and physiology...even comparing between animals and plants.


Anyone with a resource on that!!??

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I used a 4th grade textbook (Harcourt) as a spine for my 1st grade dd this past year, since she is a real science buff and 1st grade books were much too babyish for her. The Harcourt book does include experiments, most of which can be done at home. I didn't have her do all the busy work (test prep, etc.), but let her do some of the review questions for fun. Mid-year we tried something else (Singapore My Pals Are Here 3) and she begged to go back to Harcourt. I guess that's a ringing endorsement coming from a 6yo! :) If you're interested, we bought ours from Kolbe. There's a workbook available, but that fell under the heading of busy work for us. HTH!

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We did WinterPromise Animals and Their Worlds (combined PreK-1 and 2nd and up package) for our first grade content area. One caveat... the program is a "full theme", so it covers art, crafts, Bible, poetry and literature as well as science. We LOVED it. There were more crafts than experiments though.

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I used a 4th grade textbook (Harcourt) as a spine for my 1st grade dd this past year, since she is a real science buff and 1st


Is this the book with Parrot on the cover or the Lupine Creature? How did you pick this grade level?

I am really looking for something that goes by systems: circulation, respiration, etc but for both plants AND animals, so we can compare. Any of this in this book? Thanks.

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