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Graduation gift ideas (not giftcards) for students living at home during college?

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I would like to give my niece a graduation gift...not gift card. SHe is going to live at home at lease one more year while in college so the 'dorm room' gifts don't make much sense for her.


Any ideas.


She is androgynous (doesn't identify as one gender or the other) so girly things are out.


She is 18.


She works at Barnes and Nobel and has piles of unread books already.


She is crafty but busy, so I don't know if she does much of that right now.

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Maybe a new messenger bag/computer bag?


Just some off the wall ideas:

- A fun basket full of new school items like desk top items, organizers, photo frames ,if she has a laptop, I LOVE this Lapdesk

- Host a dinner party or open house for her

- Fun time you could do together - a spa day may not be something she would like, but maybe an afternoon at a ceramics painting store, either with you or a friend

- Tickets to a ball game, concert, or event she would like

- If you know what she would like to major in - maybe a related book (I know you said she has books, but maybe one of those expensive, coffee table books that a person would not general buy for themselves.)

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I stayed at home for college but one of my favorite gifts was my first personal piece of luggage for visiting friends, etc. Made me feel a little more independent. I was also given several picture frames for pictures of friends that were moving away, etc. I also was given a journal. Sounds cheesy but I truly started journaling after high school. It was a great escape from stress. My parents actually gave me my own tv and vcr (showing my age here).


Another good gift would be one of those bed pillows that is for sitting up in bed, has arm rests and a back for support. Also, a cool fan lapboard for laptop. Another one of my favorite gifts was pajamas.. I really don't think you can go wrong with what you give, honestly :)

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