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Elemental History or MFW Adventures for my 2nd grader?


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I used MFW Adventures with my oldest for grade 2, and she loved it. I have since sold the curriculum. Not too long ago, I purchased it again, new, for my rising 2nd grader. I had 2nd thoughts for whatever reason and sold it. Now I kind of regret selling, and am thinking of purchasing it again. I would only be using MFW for the History portion. I am also looking at Elemental History which looks good, and is much easier on the wallet. How do the 2 compare? I'm wondering what the hands on crafts are like in EH, and how the reading list compares to MFW'S book basket list.

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We're using EH right now and I can tell you that the book list is complete with great wholesome books that the children will not tire of. There are activities that solidify the material and bring some like to the lessons. There is some introduction to state studies and geography. Really, a lot of thought was put into this program and we're loving it! I know nothing about MFW so I can't compare the two.

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