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Measuring ahead and such (female content)

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Maybe I need to be brought back down to reality. But I had my appt. yesterday 32/33 wks, and I am actually measuring ahead 35 weeks. I've never ever measured ahead, with either of the two previous babies-- both different weights, I've always been exactly on track.


Now, I am sooooooo hopeful to have a VBA2C this time that I am probably driving myself nuts convincing myself that I am going to go into labor this time. (I did not last time, and that was the reason for the c-section). Maybe also because I have never had ANY pre-milk before giving birth, as I do now.


So someone, please tell me that because I am measuring ahead I will go into labor before or on August 15th!!


I'm kidding but I would love to know if this (measuring ahead) happens to the majority of women who go into labor before their due dates.


Thank you for reading my pregnancy rantings, it gets tough around the end!

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Well pregnancy at both ends is like this for me:


Before/early pregnancy I drive myself nuts wondering if I am going to be/get pregnant. I'm always convincing myself that I have preg. symptoms.


At the end of pregnancy, I try to convince myself that I am going to go into labor any time and have the perfect labor and delivery in addition to the healthiest, cutest baby that ever lived.


I think it is called "self deception." LOL!

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At the end of pregnancy, I try to convince myself that I am going to go into labor any time and have the perfect labor and delivery in addition to the healthiest, cutest baby that ever lived.
eventually it works :lol: Did you ever see the Friends episode where Rachel has her baby? She's in the labor room and that little Asian girl comes in and breaths a little bit and lets out a squeak and says 'ooh, that was a big one'.....that was how my last delivery was. no throwing tomatoes :D


no advice on the OP - my first 3 measured normal, my last 2 measured very small.

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I think it is called "self deception." LOL!



*I* think it's called wishful thinking, and there ain't anything wrong with that! This last pg I measured 3 weeks big the entire time but went into labour 2 weeks after my due date. Sorry. Not what you *wanted* to hear.


I'm not convinced that the measurements mean much. There are so many factors that can come into play. In fact, just having a different person measure you can make a difference. I measured 3 weeks ahead for the last 3 mos and our little one was just barely over 7lbs. I was expecting a 12lb'er. :lol:

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Not to be a killjoy, but...

both of our singletons measured early and were a week late from due date. It was a bummer to expect to deliver sooner only for the blessed day to b delayed. LOL

With the triplets I was told to anticipate a really early delivery, and even they wanted to stay in utero.

Hope you get the glorious green light early :)


Can't wait to hear the details you choose to share!

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I measured ahead with my last 3 and they were all late. My 3rd child was 10 days late, and the last 2 were induced a couple of days after they were due. All my babies were big, although my last child was one of my smallest. I also never gained more that 16 pounds. I think everyone carries their babies differently.

God bless,


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