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anyone use Latins Not so Tough?


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We are starting CC this year and I know they recommend Latins not so Tough. Has anyone used the earlier versions (1 or so?) I was thinking of getting it just to help my DD -6 . (not too intense but for her to see the connection). Any thoughts?


Thank you as always!


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I believe most communities have moved to Henle Latin in the Challenge program but I don't suggest that for a younger child. For that age, I would use Song School Latin if I was to use a Latin curriculum. For our family, the Latin provided in CC is enough for the younger children.

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We waited on Latin only because I was tied up with family medical and eldercare issues for years and something had to be put aside. So the only Latin mine had in K-6th was from Foundations, but we always did rigorous grammar and writing.


Both of mine used the chants and songs from Foundations to become Latin geeks later on. Starting in 6th/7th didn't hold them back at all. If circumstances had been different, I probably would have started Latin in 4th grade or so.


Or do something more child-friendly from Classical Academic Press or Memoria Press and start earlier.


I do NOT like Latin's Not So Tough. It goes against everything I know about teaching foreign languages, and we were in agony when CC was using it for Challenge A and B to the point that I taught mine with Henle during that period along with Latin's Not So Tough, and I now teach Henle II locally. It's OK if you keep up with the CC memory work while doing it, but there are better options IMHO.

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We are on our second book this year -- Level 3. I wanted a slow introduction, and it gives us this. We each have our own book, but I have made up some review worksheets on my own. I can give you the download links if you want them.


I don't think it's as good as Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek (which I used with my eldest), but it's the gentlest introduction I've found. I just didn't want my kids to learn so many endings all at once.

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I had B use the first several levels early in our hs journey. He did fine in the early levels (learning sounds of letters & vocab memorization) but once we got to level 3 or 4 (sentences/endings) he was totally lost & frustrated. He used Getting Started with Latin several years later; I like this much better for beginning Latin. It's also very economical!

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I was revisiting this thread while doing Latin with the boys today, so I thought I would give a little bit more information.


Level 2 introduces alphabet, sounds, verbs in first person only and all nouns in singular, nominative case.


Level 3 reviews Level 2 and verbs are used in 1st person, 3rd person, and 2nd person singular and plural. Accusative single and plural, genitive singular and plural, nominative case plural, ablative, and dative case singular and plural.


I like it because there is a lot of review, and it seems my boys need this.


As I said before, we each have our own workbook. I teach a lesson, often writing it on a white board. As we learn new endings, I write them on large index cards. We review all endings at the beginning of each lesson.


We each work at the table, and after we each finish, we come together to read our answers aloud -- taking turns. I then confirm that each of the boys has the correct answer, and we discuss any errors. If both the boys translate incorrectly, I write it on the board, and we work through it together.


After a new ending is introduced, there are several pages of review including the new vocabulary which is introduced along the way. The boys do these review pages independently, and I correct them and discuss any problems they are having. I do mine independently as well.


I make extra review sheets for vocabulary, though this would not be necessary for all children. My youngest is slow with these sorts of things.


I hope this helps.

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I do NOT like Latin's Not So Tough. It goes against everything I know about teaching foreign languages, and we were in agony when CC was using it for Challenge A and B to the point that I taught mine with Henle during that period along with Latin's Not So Tough, and I now teach Henle II locally. It's OK if you keep up with the CC memory work while doing it, but there are better options IMHO.



Could you tell what you meant by it going against everything you know about teaching a foreign language?

Thank you!

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