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Border Collie information needed please :)

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We have a border collie who is about 2 1/2 yrs old. He's probably a border collie mix. He's super friendly, loves the kids, runs forever, happily chases squirrels, mice, rabbits, birds, butterflies and grasshoppers. He used to chew on anything not nailed down, but that's improved. He seems to 'smile' all the time. He was a stray that was dropped off on our road and when we couldn't find the owners, we kept him. (This was about 2 yrs ago).


His only 'downside' is that he seems jealous of attention given to other animals (not kids, just animals). If we pet the cat, he'll nudge between us or nudge against us until we pet him as well. He's not aggressive, but it's deliberate. He will be in the yard playing until he sees us give attention to the cat, then he runs over. It's not a bad thing, just makes me wonder if he would share well with another dog.


The shelter (high kill) in our area is almost full and a 2 yr old border collie was dropped off yesterday. They said he is scared and afraid to eat (but our dog was also that way when he wandered up) but friendly. The pictures show a dog (scared looking) curled up on a cot. The next picture shows him sitting up and 'grinning'.


Do you think the two would be compatible? I plan to go look at him today and I thought about taking our border collie there tomorrow to see if the two got along.


Space here is not an issue. We have no fences, but we have lots of acreage. I called our neighbors and told them we were thinking about getting another border collie (since ours travels and visits) and they laughed and said they would keep their shoes put up for a while.


I'd love to adopt him and DH says to go for it.


Any advice for me or suggestions?

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I say go for it. Youre familiar with the breed already and you have the experience of an abused/neglected animal. I would take your other dog to meet this dog though. They may be scared at first given both dogs histories, but they just may warm up to each other.


Hope it goes well <3

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I am in no way a doggie expert, but we also have a border collie mix. She loves to nugde the other animals out of the way so that she gets the attention, and she can be *very* insistant. She is great friends with our other dog though and shows no agression toward any other animals. As long as you have plenty of time to spend with both dogs and can keep them busy (a bored dog is a destructive dog) then your pup will probably be just fine. :001_smile:

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You'd really want to work on your dog's thinking she's the pack leader, which is what she's doing when she nudges others out of the way. Unchecked, that can lead to agression. Humans are always the pack leader. :-) Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, is my favorite for dog rehabilitation.


Hes not a real dog trainer. he has NO formal education on dog training, its all based on his experience. I wouldnt listen to a thing he says. Id hire a real trainer.

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You'd really want to work on your dog's thinking she's the pack leader, which is what she's doing when she nudges others out of the way. Unchecked, that can lead to agression. Humans are always the pack leader. :-) Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, is my favorite for dog rehabilitation.


I agree with this. We have a border collie mix. So what if he has no formal training. He works with dogs, he doesn't do surgery! His methods really worked for our BC mix.

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Hes not a real dog trainer. he has NO formal education on dog training, its all based on his experience. I wouldnt listen to a thing he says. Id hire a real trainer.

FTR, he doesn't claim to be a dog trainer. His experience is pretty impressive, as is his track record.

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You can usually do a test with someone to see how they go. If you REALLY want it to work, as someone else said, I'd have a trainer available. Someone who can encourage them to get along together. I wasn't impressed with the people's ability to help at our Humane Society. I would see if you could have a trainer come in and do the intro with the two dogs, after you've seen if you like the dog. I know that it's best for a female/male... but better for male/male than female/female :)

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You can usually do a test with someone to see how they go. If you REALLY want it to work, as someone else said, I'd have a trainer available. Someone who can encourage them to get along together. I wasn't impressed with the people's ability to help at our Humane Society. I would see if you could have a trainer come in and do the intro with the two dogs, after you've seen if you like the dog. I know that it's best for a female/male... but better for male/male than female/female :)




I was told the same thing about the female/male thing. We had female/female (as puppies though) and then added male/male when they were older so i cant offer much advice on that. Maybe its based on age and breeds?

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I have a rescue Border Collie and she has integrated very well with my other dog and cat. The cat was the issue at first haha, but it's fine now : ) She wouldn't let me out of her sight in the first month, but now is content to be left alone, and will explore in the yard on her own. Depending on the age of the dog and previous situations I think some quirks in the animal may always be there. Some will get better over time and it's difficult to know right away. Our B-C had obviously been kept confined to a small space and she is still quite timid, although extremely good natured, even 2 years later. I am still having to coax her on stairs, up is ok, down is still dicey for her and outside stairs are not as much of a problem. Not sure if she had been injured on stairs in the past or if it was just a lack of exposure but we just keep at it : ) Good Luck!

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