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Please give me permission to stop....

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Official school work today! We have a big move in 28 more days. We are moving from VA to FL and I have so much work to do.This is our first big move and although it's exciting it's also bitter sweet. I have pondered about our school work and the things I wantd to complete before we move. But the reality is I don't think we will finish and I'm beginning to feel a little stressed!

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Honestly though, I would just set aside a certain number of hours a day and designate them as school hours. Maybe 3 hours, 9-12. Pick your subjects that are most important to you, and only do those. If you have extra time, sure add in some penmanship or whatever, but prioritize the RRR or whatever you feel would hurt to leave off at this point.


Then you know every day, what you need to do, and when you will be done.


Kids do better on a schedule and you will too. Packing is hard work, but sometimes 'the more you do, the more you get done'. For me, I do best on a timeline when things are a little hard. I am more apt to meet my goals if I don't have too much time on my hands to procrastinate.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Good Grief!! Definitely stop!! We have moved plenty of times and it takes longer than you think to get it all packed up and sorted through (unless, of course, I stink at moving lol). Let it go. The kids will be no worse off for the extra days missed. My dd is about to graduate and we've made 3 moves since 5th grade. I speak from experience, you are fine!

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