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I got the nicest, sweetest old lady ecouragement today. (cc)

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And I just had to tell the hive.


I went to Meijer this morning. I got the kind of cart that has a bench where the boys can sit down if they want. (Yes, they're spoiled, lol).


This little old lady comes up to me and says how fantastic it is that I have the option to do that. That back in her day, she couldn't bring her kids grocery shopping when they were small, because there was nothing to do, no where to put them. Then she started talking about how great it was that I had my kids out 'in public' doing stuff with me, That her children were so shy, and that if she had to do it over she'd homeschool them so she couild socailze them better, like how sweet and cute my kids are.




I tell you what, I told that lady how much she had just blessed me, and how the sterotype of 'unsocialized homeschoolers' was always hangin' around. She thougt that was silly.


I don't know this lady, or where she came from or who she is, but the Lord sent me an angel today to encourage me, and I wanted to pass it on to you.

Edited by bethanyniez
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We shop at Meijer too and whoever invented those bench carts is my hero! It's like driving a Semi truck, but it keeps the monkeys in line!


Did you know if you take the kids to the bakery counter they'll give them a free sugar cookie? You may not want your kids hopped up on sugar in the store :D but it does keep them quiet for a few isles!


Love the old lady story! Sounds like a cool person.

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:grouphug:That warms my heart just reading about it.


And I just had to tell the hive.


I went to Meijer this morning. I got the kind of cart that has a bench where the boys can sit down if they want. (Yes, they're spoiled, lol).


This little old lady comes up to me and says how fantastic it is that I have the option to do that. That back in her day, she couldn't bring her kids grocery shopping when they were small, because there was nothing to do, no where to put them. Then she started talking about how great it was that I had my kids out 'in public' doing stuff with me, That her children were so shy, and that if she had to do it over she'd homeschool them so she couild socailze them better, like how sweet and cute my kids are.




I tell you what, I told that lady how much she had just blessed me, and how the sterotype of 'unsocialized homeschoolers' was always hangin' around. She thougt that was silly.


I don't know this lady, or where she came from or who she is, but the Lord sent me an angel today to encourage me, and I wanted to pass it on to you.

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