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If you have a trampoline...?'s

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We currently have a swingset with 2 swings in our yard. It's getting a little small for an almost 9 year old. We've had it for 5 years, and DD and her BFF use it all the time. It's getting rusty and old and was intended for kids under 10, so I knew this would be the last summer we used it. Today something major broke on it. So, the time has come to retire the swingset.


I don't want to get another swingset, they are too old for that. But they are still kids and I would like to get SOMETHING for the yard.


I just had the idea that maybe a trampoline would be a fun thing for tween girls. I've seen 12" and 15" ones at Walmart, with an enclosure. So I am wondering....are they dangerous, do your kids use them a lot, do you have any other thoughts for me about trampolines???



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I know there are lots of accidents on trampolines, but we have had one since 1996 without any injuries. That is with a bunch of rowdy boys, and a couple of almost as rowdy girls. Our first one did not have a net, but the one we have now does. Don't they all have nets now?

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So I am wondering....are they dangerous, do your kids use them a lot, do you have any other thoughts for me about trampolines???




We do not own a trampoline...we do have friends that had one. One of my children was injured on it. IMO they are dangerous and we will never own one.


You may want to check your Homeowner's Insurance Policy to see if they have a clause about trampolines. Many do...

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We do not own a trampoline...we do have friends that had one. One of my children was injured on it. IMO they are dangerous and we will never own one.


You may want to check your Homeowner's Insurance Policy to see if they have a clause about trampolines. Many do...


That is something I didn't even think of, thanks!

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Yes, they are dangerous. Yes, we have one. It has been the most used toy we have ever purchased. Yes, your insurance company can get upset. Ours did when they did a drive by inspection of the house. They threatened to cancel our policy. We checked with a different insurance company and now have better insurance coverage for less money and still have the trampoline. No, we have never had any accidents on ours.

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we own one with a net and we have never had an injury problem. In my opinion, kids will get hurt on almost anything if they are not being careful (and sometimes even when they are)....we had a good friend whose son broke both of his arms falling out of a tree....anyway...we love ours....just make sure that if you anchor it down very well...we found this out the hard way, when during a bad thunderstorm ours blew over to the neighbor's yard, was totally destroyed and broke out his window in his house. It could have been a lot worse. We now have 2 heavy cement blocks on each of the legs and haven't had a problem since.

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We've had one for 8 or so years. They are dangerous & we've got rules (only one person at a time is the big one) and have never had an injury though I know it's a risk any time it's used. But it has been well worth it and I'm happy we have it.

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We called our insurance company to find out if there were any issues there and there were not. So, we got one. We have VERY strict rules - two at a time MAX. And, they must be near the same size. And, they cannot go over the weight limit - which was quite low. So, my teenagers can't go on it with anyone!

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