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Would you eat this beans edition?

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I made a big pot of pinto beans last night and ate at 5:30pm. Because they were still boiling hot, we left them out on the stove while we took DD to youth group. The rest of us took advantage of the nice weather and hung out at a park until it was time to pick her up.


Well, I forgot to put those beans in the fridge when we got home. They've been there all night.


DH thinks they are fine.

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I wouldn't eat them. A friend who's a microbiologist always tells me that beans are a great culture medium. In other words, they have all the right stuff for bacteria to grow really, really well.

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They are in the fridge now awaiting my final decision. They would be reboiled before being eaten anyway. But I don't really want four kids and mom puking all at the same time either.



What makes this worse is that I tried to make a big pot of beans a couple of days ago and burned them. Two batches ruined in the same week is too much!

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Our rule is about temp change, I don't cool more than once. Heat twice.


So, I would eat them after boiling them again. I would not cool and store any leftovers as they have been cooled once.


They should be fine, I think beans are more sturdy than milk, and when I make yogurt that is what I do, add the culture and leave it overnight, fridge in the morning.


Now if we were talking chicken...., but beans I would think are fine, and I would eat them.

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