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Runners - Why is my ankle unhappy?

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I'm new to the world of running. I actually loathed it for the past several decades, but the switch went on a few weeks ago and now I'm running every morning.


I run about a mile or a little over, but it's over serious terrain. Dh rides motorcycles (dirtbikes) and most of my run is through the woods, over his whoops and tabletops and around berms. A shorter portion is down our asphalt (hilly) driveway.


It's been a little hard on my knees and ankles, but my left ankle is pretty ticked off right now. I did not run today. It's not sore directly on the Achille's tendon, but the soft-tissue area between the tendon and the ankle bone on the outside of my foot.


Did I do a bad thing? Or is this just what happens when 41-year-old women suddenly decide they're all-terrain runners? ;)

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I wonder if your ankle is unhappy for the same reason my shins are? We are running. I remember dh taking me to the ER just 2 days after HE ran his first marathon. My back "went out" and I was in huge pain. This younger than me ER doc comes in and asks, "M'am, what made you think at your age, you could start running?" (I was 43 and quite insulted). At 49, I picked up running again and it was better (haven't been to ER yet :)). I do think it is harder to start (really brand new start, not history) a running program in the 40s. Impossible? Probably not, but it is harder.

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I wonder if your ankle is unhappy for the same reason my shins are? We are running. I remember dh taking me to the ER just 2 days after HE ran his first marathon. My back "went out" and I was in huge pain. This younger than me ER doc comes in and asks, "M'am, what made you think at your age, you could start running?" (I was 43 and quite insulted). At 49, I picked up running again and it was better (haven't been to ER yet :)). I do think it is harder to start (really brand new start, not history) a running program in the 40s. Impossible? Probably not, but it is harder.


Oh, man! I think I would have slapped him! ;)


I'm considering keeping my running only to the driveway for a few weeks, but that is terribly boring and I don't want to lose my interest.


I have exercised pretty regularly since I was 18, but running - no! I never ran. That is part of what hooked me - I was shocked that my cardio system was so pitiful when I don't consider myself to be in bad shape at all! Made me want to fix it.

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Are you doing any cross-training besides running?


I have started using a physical trainer to get my muscle tone built up. At the pre-interview she asked about exercise programs I disliked and I mentioned trying couch to 5k three different times. Each time, I quit because of various joint problems. Her opinion is that that's a problem with the "couch to 5k" mentality. That you really need to mix weights in with a gradual running program to build up all kinds of body parts to prevent injury. She said, and I forgot, all the body parts affected: ligaments, muscles, etc....

Edited by snickelfritz
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I would say conditioning, terrain, shoes or any combination of the three.

I've started doing ankle strengthening because having weak ones will but more stress on other muscles.

I would definitely take a break and ice and be sure it's "healed" before trying again. And then decide if you want to go out gung ho and risk worse injury or take time to build up.

It's funny...a year ago I would have been thrilled for someone to tell me to stop running. I finished my first half marathon last weekend and would be sad to be sidelined with an injury. So I'm all about take it slow and take care of those legs!!

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Proper shoes! I do think the terrain is a main issue, but there are shoes to help with that. I'd ask at your local running shoe store (not a Dick's Sporting Goods, etc.!) about either a stability (or motion control?) shoe or one for trail running!

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Are you doing any cross-training besides running?


I have weight-lifted for years and years and also done yoga from time to time, but nothing in particular for my ankles. I'm not particularly doing Couch to 5K (though I've heard of it). I really have no idea if I'm running "correctly" or not. I just got it in my head through a couple of synchronicities that I wanted to run, so I laced up and began. :D


I would say conditioning, terrain, shoes or any combination of the three.

I've started doing ankle strengthening because having weak ones will but more stress on other muscles.

I would definitely take a break and ice and be sure it's "healed" before trying again. And then decide if you want to go out gung ho and risk worse injury or take time to build up.

It's funny...a year ago I would have been thrilled for someone to tell me to stop running. I finished my first half marathon last weekend and would be sad to be sidelined with an injury. So I'm all about take it slow and take care of those legs!!


Congrats on finishing your 1/2 marathon! I bow to thee! :D I did not run today, but my ankle feels much better. I might stay mostly on the driveway for a few weeks.


Proper shoes! I do think the terrain is a main issue, but there are shoes to help with that. I'd ask at your local running shoe store (not a Dick's Sporting Goods, etc.!) about either a stability (or motion control?) shoe or one for trail running!


I am going to look at shoes like that. I have newish shoes, but I did not pick them with guidance or for the purpose of all-terain running.

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