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I discovered the secret...

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to keeping clothes on kids old enough to know they should be wearing them!




















Rubber band wars!!!


I have never seen my kids put on clothes so fast! Ds even put on underwear for extra protection. :)


What do you mean, "Rubber band wars!!!"?

Shooting each other with rubber bands?




I have the same problem. :glare:


It does cut down on laundry though. ;)


You have trouble keeping your clothes on. :P

Now I know way to much about you WendyK :)

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You got him to put underwear on? My DS refuses 6 days out of 7 yo wear underpants. :confused:


You own underpants for your kids? Why? :P


(I'm laughing at myself, well my kids to whom being forced to even think about wearing underwear is mean)


The only ones we have were purchased several years ago for that transition out of diaper phase - and my boys toilet trained young.

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You own underpants for your kids? Why? :P


(I'm laughing at myself, well my kids to whom being forced to even think about wearing underwear is mean)


The only ones we have were purchased several years ago for that transition out of diaper phase - and my boys toilet trained young.


I have to push the issue a little more with DD in the summer because she overwhelmingly favors skirts to pants/shorts. At least in the winter, I can get her to do tights/leggings. But when it's warm... she wants a sun dress and nothing else. "No, P. If you want to wear the dress, you MUST wear panties!"

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I have to push the issue a little more with DD in the summer because she overwhelmingly favors skirts to pants/shorts. At least in the winter, I can get her to do tights/leggings. But when it's warm... she wants a sun dress and nothing else. "No, P. If you want to wear the dress, you MUST wear panties!"


Wow. I'm glad you're not MY mom. ;)

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One of my favorite memories from my childhood was when my dad brought home a HUGE bag of rubber bands from work and we all (including mom, dad, and several siblings) set up forts in the family room and went to town. The rule was no one could shoot someone's eye, and if someone started crying, the game was over. We still talk about it.

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I've managed to get them to wear socks and underwear, but they never wanted to change them.


Until their friend got a perplexing and persistent foot fungus from not changing his socks. Now whenever my kids give me grief about changing their socks or underwear I just say, "You don't want to end up like C, do you??"


They change them.

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