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April ACT Scores are up

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I just went over to the college confidential discussion thread about these scores. The curves do look "interesting" from what has been "determined" so far.


If anyone is curious, scores start to be reported here:




Next year my guy will (hopefully) be in the thick of it all. This year is another "rest" year for me. I'm thankful for those!

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I just went over to the college confidential discussion thread about these scores. The curves do look "interesting" from what has been "determined" so far.


If anyone is curious, scores start to be reported here:




Next year my guy will (hopefully) be in the thick of it all. This year is another "rest" year for me. I'm thankful for those!


Wow, reading some of these comments, I'm not sure that I'll be able to use that site until I absolutely have to. I do understand being frustrated if you didn't do as well as you hoped. But to have a sense of failure at being in the low 30s in sections reminds me of Biggest Loser contestants who are crushed when they "only" lose 10 pounds a week.


How do you steer a student to high standards without making them feel a failure if they aren't Einstein at eighteen?


(My older kids are taking SAT for talent search next weekend. I'm glad that we'll have to wait to see results in the mail.)

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My daughter's scores were there this morning.


Like a lot of the kids on CC, she thought the science was easy, but it ended up being her lowest subtest score (29). That surprised us!


She still did well enough to not worry about taking it again, so we're doing the happy dance! :)

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How do you steer a student to high standards without making them feel a failure if they aren't Einstein at eighteen?



To start, I never let my kids know that site existed except for very limited forums (mainly dealing with schools they were interested in). Oldest never got on the site at all. Middle did look at a few ACT/AP threads when he took the test, but he was chasing perfection on the ACT (and didn't get there) - did with AP. Youngest will likely not be on the site.


I use it for info, but I know how to look at things more reasonably. Those kids may be the competition, but they aren't the only successful students out there. ;)

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To start, I never let my kids know that site existed except for very limited forums (mainly dealing with schools they were interested in). ..


I use it for info, but I know how to look at things more reasonably. Those kids may be the competition, but they aren't the only successful students out there. ;)



My oldest doesn't know it exists, and he would not bother logging in even if he was aware of it. I think the site does contain some useful information, but I hope these kids are not serious when they post how upset they are with an ACT score of 35.

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Just checked and April 14 ACT Scores are up


They were up at just after 10 pm our time :) , but that's 1 a.m. for most folks on here, so I didn't post an alert. My 16yo was already asleep, so we had to wait until this morning to tell him he'd raised his composite score by 1 point! That's so encouraging for him, because he thought this test was harder than the Feb. one (his first). It would have been SO discouraging to score lower. He *did* score a point or two lower on English & Science, but raised his math score by 4 pts (had a working calculator this time!). Anyway, this score pretty much guarantees him the $14k merit aid at the OOS school he's fallen in love with, and gets him within shouting distance of their 2-yr scholarship!!




She still did well enough to not worry about taking it again, so we're doing the happy dance! :)


YAY! :)


Youngest will likely not be on the site.


I use it for info, but I know how to look at things more reasonably. Those kids may be the competition, but they aren't the only successful students out there. ;)


I know neither of my boys will ever take an interest in CC. It's only this past week that *I've* gingerly started poking around on CC (as my younger, more academic son is -- eek! -- nearing the end of 10th grade), and I'm seeing some familiar WTM screen names :) . Wow, there is a lot of good info on there! ... along with weird obsessions with perfect scores & the 8 Ivy League schools. (Especially out West here, and living outside the SF/Silicon Valley and LA elite circles, only one or two people I know ever mention the Ivies -- it's more the 'good' UCs, Stanford, USC, maybe Reed & Caltech ...)


Anyway, I did find some nice, sane threads and can see myself eventually posting on CC -- one thread is about 'hidden gems,' one asks did a CTCL change your life, and one is for parents of kids with a 3.0-3.3 GPA (!) -- perfect for finding schools for my less-academic son. The point of that thread is that there are perfectly fine schools for perfectly fine kids who don't have a prayer at Ivy admission (nor would they fit there anyway). :)

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Wow, there is a lot of good info on there! ... along with weird obsessions with perfect scores & the 8 Ivy League schools.




My husband "discovered" CC this morning. He emailed me from work with a couple of links to threads on CC. I had to explain the whole "perfect score" obsession on there, and the focus on the Ivies, so he doesn't take it too seriously. You really have to weed out the good stuff.


My daughter knows about CC but thinks at least half those kids (and parents) are nuts. :lol:


We don't just focus on schools where she's competitive. We focus on the best schools for her major that she can afford. The sweet spot is where all the factors converge. We can't relate to some of the CC folks.

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My dd just got her score, and we were both pleasantly surprised because she didn't do much prep. She may not have to take it again. I am so happy for her.


She was homeschooled through 10th grade and went to ps this year. She is thinking about coming back home for her senior year. This is the first test for her (and me) and I just feel SO relieved.

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Most of the posts made by students on CC need to be taken with a grain of salt. I wonder how many of those who are getting "chanced" or "chancing" others are actually struggling to pull C's and just having fun with everyone. :tongue_smilie: Seriously the comments that are made to the 2400/36, 4.9GPA, 10 AP's w/5's, extracurriculars a mile long ... and they basically tell them they haven't a chance. :lol: The parents tend to be a bit more reality based. :)

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Yay, my dd (10th) took it for the first time and hit the benchmarks for dual enrollment in the fall!


Our state univ. is only concerned with the English and Math portions. She needed 24 in both, but got a 31 in English and a 27 in Math. It's a good thing she didn't need the Reading and Science portions for dual enrollment as they were lower. We'll have some more prep. to do in those areas.

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OK, ds#4 scores are up, but ds#3 scores are not. I expect they will be up on Friday. I am happy with ds#4 scores but he is not. He is extremely capable and chose to only study for a few days before the test. He scored a 27 composite (10th grade) with this breakdown: E-24 (definitely low for him and he is bummed); M-27 (needs to work on mid level questions); R-33; S-25.


This one can do just about anything he wants. The problem is that he is in a very lazy academic stage. But I think these results have given him a reason to work a little harder. He really wants to get a 30 (the score he needs in order for us to send him to S. Africa to visit friends).

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