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Phonics Pathways?


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Has anyone used this? Have any likes or dislikes?


With my older son, we tried that book, How To Teach Your Child How To Read In 100 Easy Lessons and we hated it. So would you say that Phonics Pathways is nothing like this book?



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We started with 100 Easy Lessons, and though we gott most of the way through it,, my son COULD NOT switch over to the normal text format around lesson 70 or so.


We took a break, then switched to PHonics Pathways. I much prefer it. There is not a lot of practice- each page is usually a new concept, or two, or three... so you may need to add in additional practice or flash cards. For example, we currently have flashcards for sh, ch, tch, and th, which were all introduced in about 4 pages of the book!


Overall, I love phonics pathways, because when he gets it, we move on quickly, when we need a bit more practice, I just add in a few homemade flash cards to review.


It is not a scripted book, so you have to be ok with figuring out how to improvise and adapt.


We also use Reading Pathways, which has helped a lot with speed.

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I tried 100 easy lessons and hated it.

We took a break and then started Phonics Pathways. It really went well for us here and I'll be using it again next year. The only part that I miss from 100 easy lessons was that handwriting was built in. We always practiced letters on a white board at the end of the lesson. I wish I would have stayed in that routine after switching to PP.

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Has anyone used this? Have any likes or dislikes?


With my older son, we tried that book, How To Teach Your Child How To Read In 100 Easy Lessons and we hated it. So would you say that Phonics Pathways is nothing like this book?




PP is nothing like that book. When I was teaching my oldest to read, we tried 100EZ from the library and hated it. Then I checked out PP and it was much, much better.


I'm on my 5th time through PP, and all of my boys are excellent readers. I like that lessons can be just a couple of minutes if my son is squirrelly, but can be longer when he's able to focus. I did buy the old Pyramids book (I think it's Reading Pathways now), and the boys who have used it enjoy it.

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Thanks everyone!


It's not too expensive and Timberdoodle lists it as 1st grade curriculum. Since everyone seems to like it I think I will give it a whirl. If we wind up hating it we aren't out too much $.


I've been wanting to give All About Reading a try but $100+ is a lot harder to spend then $26.50. I wish they had both at the homeschool convention in June!

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I don't care what kind of phonics you give me I will not like it. Just not my cup of tea. But what I did like about PP is that it got the job done in a short amt of time. Just-get-it-done. We never found the need for flash cards. Only once did I need to repeat any page so it would sink in. I also like the large font. My dd can now read nearly anything, and we never finished the book.


I found a used copy and the lady neglected to mention that it was falling out of the binding. Well I got it laminated and spiral bound at Kinkos and it was so much easier to use than a wide open book, because it can be folded open.


Oh I also like that young learner, who is not able to write much, can use this program and be reading before they are writing.

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Checked OPGTR from library and it was NOT me. Too scripted. Have done PP w/ 2 kiddos and added ETC with it. Both kids are advanced readers and voracious readers.


Never did the writing section of PP, just the reading. What they could handle for about 10-15 minutes. When my son recently took off reading, we decided to just do the reviews which are every few pages.

Cheap used ones are avail at www.homeschoolclassifieds.com

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