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Wait, it isn't healthy to eat Nutella with a spoon every day?

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Could someone please save me from my apathetic refusal to read the nutrition label and make sure that there are no misleading claims in advertising, because heaven knows I only get my info from TV advertisements.




Amber in SJ

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At Whole Foods and other "health food stores" they have "organic" versions of Nutella and they are soooooo yummy :) I totally treat it as health food, lol! We eat it on apples!


Also at WF's, in the chocolate candy bar section that is in the check out lane, they have this one candy bar that is dark chocolate with pieces of bacon in it!! One of these days, I'll be brave enough to try it!

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Geez, why didn't I think of that?!?! Those commercials have long driven me nuts. I have always said at the end of them, "If someone is stupid enough to think Nutella is healthy, then they are stupid." Apparently I am the stupid one for not even trying!


(wondering what the odds are I could find a receipt for Nutella buried in the caverns of my purse)

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I can't EVEN believe a judge would look at the case! Seriously? That is why there are nutrition labels. Is a company responsible for another person's stupidity?


There was also an asterisk at the bottom of the ad telling you with what and how much is part of a "balanced" diet.


Take some responsibility for yourself for Pete's sake.

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That lawsuit is ridiculous! The fact that she won makes me angry. We have nutrition labels already, people. It has about the same calories and fat as peanut butter, doesn't it? Less protein, obviously. Seriously, people, think for yourself! How are the manufacturers responsible for not announcing in their ad that a product consisting primarily of chocolate and sugar is not any better for you than a candy bar? I love Nutella. But I'm adult enough to read labels and make choices.



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I think the lawsuit was ridiculous. We are all supposed to read labels if we are interested in learning about nutrional values. Then we make our choices. Chocolate and nuts are very nutritious. They aren't low fat but they are nutritious. So is olive oil but you wouldn't want to eat it to excess.

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I think the case does have merit. :001_tt2: Nutella does promote itself as being a healthy part of the diet. I'm suprised she won but she does have a point. It's false advertising - whether she was an "idiot" to believe it or not.


McDonalds does not promote itself as a "healthy breakfast food" so it gets a pass from me :D

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