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Breakfast and Lunches suggestions to make ahead Soya, Dairy, Gluten, Eggs, Nuts Free

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Please note that I cannot find a egg-free mayo here and this child is also alergic to olives and olive oil and nitrates, preservatives and colourings.


Tried to make some pancakes and freeze but gluten free did not freeze well.


We need some protein rich breakfast or otherwise he cannot cope.


We are not coping with school. I need to cook ahead as much as I can. Need suggestions for breakfast and lunches with all our special needs.


The only time I have free to cook is Sunday afternoon.


Also if someone knows how long can rice, pasta and mash potatoes be kept in the fridge. Rice in the freezer has not worked.


Side dishes that can be kept in the fridge. Snacks...

Edited by sandst
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Do you like curry? The Indian Vegan kitchen is easy to cook from. Legumes can be added to anything. I usually make a quick soup from red lentils and quinoa with a bit of stock for breakfast. You can put them in a pot and boil for a few minutes after dinner, or while you are cooking dinner, and it'll sit there and absorb water over night and only need reheating. It probably takes less time to cook than it takes to make everyone a few rounds of toast.


Rice, potato and pasta will last a few days in the fridge, but none of them reheat nicely. How fussy are you? :tongue_smilie:



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Basmati rice comes out of the freezer beautifully. Maybe if you change types.


Pancakes may not freeze but batter should last a few days covered in the fridge. That way all you have to do is heat the griddle and pour.


I've never had a problem with pasta from the fridge (or the freezer for that matter.) When dh travels I'll make a big pot of pasta (usually mini-bowties) and a big pot of rice. Dd and I eat it with stir fried veggies all week. ETA: I do give it a toss with olive oil prior to storage. Maybe if you toss it with coconut oil or what ever type your dc can tolerate.


Beans can be added to anything. I'll make a pot of black beans from dry and freeze them in 1 cup servings. Just thaw in the microwave and add to anything. I've done this with black, pinto, red and black-eyed peas.


I found this for vegan mayo.

If you don't like that one, just google "vegan mayo." Lots of hits for that.


Oh, potatoes keep well in the fridge and freezer also. If you freeze them divide them up into serving sizes (zipper bags of 1/2 to 1 cup) to make it easier to use for one or two people.

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I got this recipe from my Gluten-Free Vegan cookbbok:


Oat Scones:


1/2 c. canola oil

2 tbsp. agave nectar

2 tbsp. warm water

1 tbsp. orange juice

1/2 c. sorghum flour (or more as needed)

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1/3 c. pitted dates

1/3 c. gluten-free rolled oats


Preheat oven to 325 F.

In large bowl, combine oil and agave and beat well. Add water, orange juice and stir. Scatter a tbsp. or two of oats across an ungreased cookie sheet.

In small bowl, stir together sorghum flour, baking soda and salt. Stir into oil mixture. Add dates and stir. Beat with a wooden spoon until well mixed. Add additional sorghum flour until you can form a ball. The dough should not be really sticky.

Place abut 1/4 c. of the oats on the work surface. Roll or press the ball of dough into the oats until it becomes a 5" diameter circle about 1/2" thick. Place on prepared pan. Bake fro 20-25 mins. until lightly browned. Cool on cookie sheet then serve.


I've never made it, but it sounds like it might freeze well. They recommend serving with maple syrup.

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We eat lunch for breakfast. DS can have soy and gluten now, so we aren't quite so limited. But hamburger patties, ground beef with plain rice, vegetable soup, roasted chicken...


I cook a large cut of meat in the slow cooker each week, then I can mix the meat with rice or put it over a baked potato. Usually I will crock a huge piece of meat, use 1/2 of it that week over a two to three day span and freeze the other half. Then I can thaw and use the other half a week later for variety.


So one week I crock a chicken, freeze half and serve half. The next week is pork, freeze half, serve half, serve the thawed chicken. The other meat I always try to keep cooked and a serving frozen is ground beef.


Can you do natural lunch meats? Corn tortillas? Rice protein powder? Refried beans?


Are these safe for your child?



I live on raw hulled suflower seeds myself. We use sunflower seed butter as a pb substitute.


Proteins are the biggest challenge for egg and dairy free, IMO. I get so tired of having to cook a meat and have it on hand all the time. Not like you can order a pizza or serve grilled cheese in a pinch!

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Another tip I use is to try to recreate flavor or texture profiles rather than foods. So instead of trying to make a mayo, I try to get the flavors I want with seasonings. If it's a texture issue, then you can often make a mock cream sauce using corn or potato starch and water.


Don't be afraid to experiment a little.


Also, the website Kids With Food Allergies has an extensive library of tried and true recipes available to members. I tend to do more simple dishes so don't really use recipes but some of the folks have posted pretty fancy stuff. :)

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Do you have finger millet there? I think it's called rapoko in S Africa / Zimbabwe, ragi in Hindi. It's gray colored and cooks up sort of gelatinous.



It makes a nice hot porridge. It has 7 g protein per 100 g, not sure if that's high but I think it's more nutritious than other grains.


Can you make breads or pancakes with corn meal and chickpea flour (besan)?

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