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Dr. Hive!! purple, red toes?

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My daugther, 12 years old, for the past few weeks has been complaing her toes turing blue, purple or red. She has no other symptoms. When we get her moving around and excercising it goes away. Once she sits it starts turning red then bluish/purple.


I am coming across many searches as this being Raynaud's disease. We do have Lupus (one case) in my family line (ALS). My grandmother was the only one that had this. However she had no purple or blue toes.....


She is not complaing of anything else. ??


We def. are getting her in to the dr soon (hopefully tomorrow)...



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I had this for a while. In my case it was because I let my toes get too cold in the winter. It lasted about 8-9 months on and off. It was worse when I was in the shower and my toes had warm water on them. They throbed a little when they were very warm. I think it was Raynauds brought on by the cold trauma but it is completely gone now.

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I have Raynaud's, and it sounds like what you're describing with your daughter. I get it in my fingers also. I do have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, so it's a good idea as you said to get to the doctor A.S.A.P., but from what I understand it's not always necessarily auto-immune related.


All the best.

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I have Raynaud's, and it sounds like what you're describing with your daughter. I get it in my fingers also. I do have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, so it's a good idea as you said to get to the doctor A.S.A.P., but from what I understand it's not always necessarily auto-immune related.


All the best.


:iagree: My first thought was Raynaud's. Probably nothing but no harm in checking.

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My daughter has Raynaud's, and that's about the age she started having symptoms. It's worse in cooler weather. Both her hands and feet turn purple. She has to wear gloves even in the house in the winter. There's really not much you can do about it, except try and stay warm!


She has no other auto-immune symptoms, really, and it doesn't keep her from doing anything. She does have chronic migraines, which I've heard sometimes is more common in people with Raynaud's, though I don't know why. Vascular related, I guess.

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