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Microfiber vs. Leather couches

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We are moving in a few months and I'd like to get new couches for our family room. We have a lot of kids and I feel like our couches always look dirty unless I constantly wash the covers and of course I never feel like taking the underneath pieces off which means the armchairs always are dirty. So I'm thinking leather is most practical but I really don't like the look and feel of leather much. It isn't me. I've heard microfiber is really easy to clean but I'm wondering if that is really true. And if we go with microfiber should we get a darker color to hide more or does it matter?



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I love leather. It is so easy to keep clean. It is sort of line the difference between hard surface floors and carpet.

We have had our leather furniture now for 12 yrs. It was not expensive leather and it has seen better days but it has been used....a lot.


When we replace it we will be looking for leather again.

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We had a set of microfiber stretchy slipcovers as well as a microfiber office chair. I HATEDthem both, dog hair crumbs, lint, bits of paper, and who knows what else stuck to it answer was impossible to get off. We just got cheapo leather couches, and even though it is like a thick hide with a thin pretty layer over it that scratches fairly easily I am thoroughly pleased. The scratches cover with sharpie or a special marker and the rest of the couch just wipes clean. It also doesn't hold odors so when our stinky old dog sleeps on it we don't smell like a vet's office or sickroom.

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:iagree: We love our leather sofa and we have kids, dogs, a cat, etc. It is easy to wipe clean and looks shiny and new when we use the leather conditioner. We bought our current sofa 11 years ago from Ethan Allen. It was pricey, but it has taken tons of abuse and still looks great. Their are many different grades/types of leather out there, so I would do some research first.


Also, our cat has scratched the heck out of a fabric covered chair in our family room, but she steers clear of the leather. The dogs have jumped up on it and any scratches buffed right out. We love it and will get leather again in the future.

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