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Cloth diapers and rash...help me.

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This isn't my first rodeo. I cloth diapered three of my four boys and never had a problem with rashes. My daughter has been in pretty much a constant state of rash since we began using cloth a few months ago. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.


Here is what I'm doing:


1. Cold rinse & spin.

2. White cycle: hot wash, hot rinse, spin, hot rinse, spin. I am washing with homemade detergent (Fels Naptha + Borax + Washing Soda) and vinegar (1 cup). I put the detergent in the drum with the diapers and the vinegar in the bleach dispenser.

3. High heat dry cycle (75 minutes).


The diapers look and smell clean. No stains, no odors. When she wets there is not a strong odor of ammonia. I change her frequently (at least once per hour when we are at home, sometimes more...at this point I'm not even using a diaper cover at home, just a prefold pinned loosely to catch messes).


I am using high quality chinese prefolds with pins and Dappi nylon covers (at night and when we go out).


ETA: I have tried applying pure lanolin at every diaper change and I use cloth wipes wet with plain, warm water.


I tried bleaching the diapers last week but that didn't help at all with her rash.


I'm putting her back in disposables until it clears up. What can I do to my diapers to help clear up her rash? I cannot line dry (clotheslines are against HOA rules in this neighborhood). I can try different detergent but she was having rashes with Seventh Generation Free & Clear so I'm not sure that switching would help.


Can some babies just not be cloth diapered? I had crappy Gerber prefolds and plastic pants with my boys and they never had issues.

Edited by Pretty in Pink
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Oh, the poor baby. I think some of them have super-sensitive skin. One of mine did and the only detergent that worked was and still is ALL free and clear.


Cloth diapers didn't work for my sensitive skin little one, no matter the method I tried for washing.


I hope you find the answer, we just gave up and went with disposable.

(If you little one is super-sensitive, you may have to look at her baby soap, lotions, foods and even think all cotton clothing.)

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What does the rash look like? My boys were really, REALLY yeast prone. I used lotrimin (yes, the foot cream) to clear it, per our ped's suggestion, and then use Miracle Salve from Kerry's Herbals, which kept it away and didn't leave hideous residue on my diapers.

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Amway's laundry detergent, dry non-chlorine bleach, and fabric softener. That's what I used on my dc's diapers. Changing to Amway products also cleared up a body rash that Mr. Ellie had been dealing with since high school, which none of the doctors could figure out.


At this point it would also be good to take your poor baby to the doctor, to make sure it isn't yeast.


If it isn't, it really does sound as if she's reacting to your laundry products.

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It's not a yeast rash. She had one of those early on that we got a script for. Her whole diaper area is just constantly red like a sunburn with no sores or bumps at all. The skin is smooth but red.


I'm sitting here with a naked baby and a towel on my lap. She thinks being nude is a hoot, apparently. Ha ha!

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It's not a yeast rash. She had one of those early on that we got a script for. Her whole diaper area is just constantly red like a sunburn with no sores or bumps at all. The skin is smooth but red.


I'm sitting here with a naked baby and a towel on my lap. She thinks being nude is a hoot, apparently. Ha ha!


Yeast rashes can look like this, too. I used to work in pediatric hospital where we gave a lot of antibiotics. The peds would always prescribe lotrimin for this type of rash.

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In that case, I'd still recommend the Miracle Salve. It's olive oil based and has calendula to soothe. There's also grapefruit seed extract, in case there is yeast (my boys' bottoms usually looked sunburned, rarely had the dotty margin, and it would seem to pop up overnight).


I would also recommend using the vinegar in the last rinse cycle, since it really helps to strip out any soap residues. Our diapers never smelled like ammonia when they had residue; they smelled completely foul as soon as they got damp. I might also try a clean-rinsing sport wash instead of your homemade detergent. All of those ingredients are kind of harsh on skin.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Mine would get rashes when he was wet. I use fleece liners (cut up fabric store fleece) or diapers that have a fleece lining for him--no rashes with those. At the beginning I could tell when I cut a liner too small b/c he would be rashy on the edges where he the wetness still touched his skin.

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My daughter is super sensitive to detergents, and when we cloth diapered her we had to use a soap called Sensiclean, but it is also sold at walmart in the hunting section as "Sport Wash" , none of the usual recommended cloth diaper detergents would work. I wasn't able to line dry outside either, but did set up a drying rack inside and used that near a really sunny window at times.

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