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how many chapter read-alouds per month?


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I'm trying to plan our chapter book reading for the next year. It has only been this past month that I've noticed that my older two can sit still for chapter books. They've done fine with The Boxcar Children, Dolphin Adventure, and My Father's Dragon (hand-me-down books that we just received).


How many read-aloud chapter books are reasonable to plan for one month? If you use a boxed curriculum, how many does it have you do?


We'll be reading a lot of science, too, and of course there are other subjects that will take time (SM, HWOT, FLL, etc.).


I'm concerned that the read-alouds I've listed may be more like two years of reading! I'd be grateful for any help making a reasonable plan! :001_smile:

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I plan on one chapter per day. Sometimes the kids beg me into an extra chapter or more reading on weekends.


For read-alouds, I make a general list, rather than a set plan, and we just move from one book to the next. I stay kind of flexible with it, because sometimes a book seems to "fit" for one reason or another at a specific time-- either somebody is about to read about John becoming King and Robin Hood was on the list; somebody is at ancient Greece and Children's Homer is on the list; somebody loved "Farmer Boy" in WWE3 so we go ahead and read the entire book, etc. We do a lot of read-alouds tied in with history, but sometimes we divert onto a book that is simply too good to pass up or is just a funny break. So I prefer to pull from a "working list" posted on the fridge rather than a set schedule planned ahead of time-- that way we can't fall behind anything either :)

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Thank you for the replies! I was afraid I was posting a question with an obvious answer, so I'm surprised (and a little relieved) that there's quite a range. I suppose it's like most things homeschooling related - We'll go with what works for our family.


For read-alouds, I make a general list, rather than a set plan, and we just move from one book to the next.


Yes - I'm tempted to plan out every detail, but I don't regroup very well if I fall behind! I'll roughly plan enough books, based on about 5 to 10 chapters a week, but then I'll just keep them in a list and not on the schedule! ;)

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I don't think about how many books read in a month. Some books are very different in length.


My Youngest is likely the same age are your Eldest. (Youngest is 6, almost 6 1/2. The cut off date here is Dec. 31st so he is considered grade 1. In most places with a Sept. 1 cut off he would be considered K)


Between my husband and myself my boys listen to books a lot. Most are not audios. Even then I always listen along with them. (With the except of Raggedy Ann which they loved so much they snuck off to listen to it)


My boys listen to about 4 hours of books a day.


If we only have one or two books on the go we usually finish one a day. Sometimes we have several on the go and they last longer.

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