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Medieval Times and recovering pneumonia--yes or no?

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My dd is recovering from pneumonia. She has responded well to the meds and is dramatically better today than she has been for a while. We saw her dr yesterday, who affirmed that dd is doing well, though still coughing and weak. The dr said that dd would continue to be weak and fatigued, with a cough, for some time. However, the dr also cleared dd to engage in activities cautiously, stopping if fatigued. Our plan is to have dd get back in her schedule partially this week, hoping to jump back in to more activities the week after.


That said, dd has a meeting on Monday that she really must attend, and we might possibly bring her to her piano lesson, maybe one other class. I am hoping she will have the energy to do these couple things.


I forgot to ask the doctor about tomorrow, though. Dd's grandparents bought tickets for the grandkids to Medieval Times (four course dinner with medieval jousting and show). The show itself runs 2 hours. I am really waffling about whether or not to let dd go. I am concerned about the energy it takes to be out in public, as well as the dust from the jousting (I have NO idea if that's a legitimate concern or not), as well as exposing her to a crowd of people. She seems so much better, but was soooooooo sick, and I am afraid to push it. Yet I don't want to be overcautious and kill the joy of this outing needlessly.


Should I send her, trusting that she will sit at the table and it will be fun?


Should I offer her ticket to another cousin (the grandparents are fine with this, though they really prefer dd to go as it was a gift for her) and keep dd quiet one more day?



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I think the dinner is fine - but I wouldn't do 1/2 of what you might think you can do next week. She really needs to rest - for weeks. Really - at least 4 weeks of very little activity. No piano. If she absolutely HAS to go to that meeting, fine - but I wouldn't plan anything else that day at all.

I've had pneumonia three times and it took everything out of me. Every time I tried to start up again (too soon - I had young kids) I would end up weakening myself and recovery just took longer.

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