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Handwriting kits at Target!


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I picked up a kit for capital letters lasy night. It is like HWOT. It comes with a magnetic dry erase board, 14 magnetic pieces to make letters, ss tablet for practicing with a pencil, some little action cards and a die to make a game with the cards. It was only $24.

My 4 year old Is loving it!


They also had lower case kits, and kid scissors with worksheets to practice cutting. It was all pretty cheap.


I love Target :)

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It was about a dollar less than the Amazon price at my Target. If you get free shipping, it would be close. The magnets are STRONG!!! You could use it in the car and not have them fall al over.


It is a double aided dry erase/magnetic board. The kit comes with one practice book too. DD is lovog It!!

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Our Target's prices were the same or slightly higher than Amazon. I suspect Amazon has adjusted their prices.


I'm peeved that this wasn't around several months ago. While trying to decide between Kumon and HWOT, I wound up buying the workbooks for both... and now I've decided that I prefer this system. Sigh.


HWOT still has a few things on this, especially the use of chalk... but then since our slate is a $1.99 one from Michael's bought at 40% off, and the "itty bitty chalk bits" are simple white chalk broken up, I don't see how someone couldn't implement that part of it for Fundanoodle.


Looking at the activity kits, I'm a bit sad that they don't come with the entire set of muscle movers. I think I'd be annoyed that they only have six, then be forced to buy the whole set of muscle movers, and then once again be annoyed that I now have six in duplicate. ;)


I also really liked the look of their magnetic dry erase board, that is, the one sold separately.


I did buy the workbooks, capitals, numbers, and lowercase. Mostly, I think, because that gives me all I really need to implement it this time around. If I really do like this better than HWOT, then I'll skip HWOT with #2 and spring for the whole kit at that point. Until then, I can make my own letter building shapes (there are printables out there on at least two web sites that I've found) and use the Kumon/HWOT stuff alongside the Fundanoodle stuff.

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Lilly loves the muscle movers cards and does not care that there are only six. I did not notice a full set. I will look when I go pick up the lower case kit. I was waiting to see if they were a hit, and they are! Plus, the box works as a nice carrying case :) we brought it with us to escape the tornadoes.

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Lilly loves the muscle movers cards and does not care that there are only six. I did not notice a full set. I will look when I go pick up the lower case kit. I was waiting to see if they were a hit, and they are! Plus, the box works as a nice carrying case :) we brought it with us to escape the tornadoes.


Grrr. I do NOT. need. enabling.


This is the full set: http://www.amazon.com/Fundanoodle-Muscle-Movers-Upper-15267/dp/B004U9W8XY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1334466864&sr=8-2

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I'm definitely adding all of the age 3 and up products to our preschool list. Our oldest has oddly good penmanship already, but our next has some fine motor deficits and starts OT next week. I really like that this program was created by an occupational therapist. I think it will be a good fit for us.

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So, I've thought about it and I stick by my initial assessment: the kit with the magnetic word builders isn't worth it for our purposes. If it came with the full set of movement cards and the dry erase board that is sold separately, it'd be a no-brainer. As it is, though, we can do the six "cards" on our own, and I'd rather have the full set of cards. The dry erase board is unnecessary as we already have those, as well as markers. Ditto for the die, though it is a nice wooden one. That leaves the magnetic alphabet builders, and I just made both the upper and lower case ones out of a single piece of $.84 blue foam. (I used the letter builder printable from Confessions of a Homeschooler and modified it slightly based on some iPhone pictures I took of the Fundanoodle builders.) Granted, they're not magnetic, but I don't think that's crucial.


So the total cost for the "system" for us is $15 (Upper case, lower case, and number books), and probably $24 for both sets of muscle movers. (These aren't necessary but I suspect my little dude would love them.) Additionally, we may spring for the special dry erase board with the cool divided rectangles (this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004U9XB6M/ref=s9_simh_gw_p229_d0_g229_i6?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1YYY23NHYRSZ7PMBQ0RK&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846) More likely, I'll create a printable page to use over and over as others have done with the HWOT gray rectangles paper.


I do totally want the pounding bench for my little dudes. It's too bad Easter just passed. #2 son's birthday is at the end of April, but as he'll be turning 2 it might be a bit of a stretch to call it HIS birthday present. Hmmmm.



ETA: The Fundanoodle web site offers a few sample pages, including sample handwriting pages. Granted, the letter you are meant to use is on the first square, but you could conceivably use the sheets for any letter. http://www.maxandalphie.com/MaxandAlphie.pdf

Edited by eloquacious
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  • 10 months later...

Our Target currently has the Fundanoodle sets and workbooks, etc. for 50% off. I finally caved and bought the upper and lower case builder sets, because I like their magnetic pieces better than my diy ones, and they contained another workbook, which I can use for my younger son. I don't like the workbooks as well as those from HWOT, (waaay too much practice per page) but I think if you do one row of letters a day, it could work quite nicely.

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I took a picture, but cannot upload it from my phone:glare: it is by Fundanoodle. It was in the school supply area. This was the first time I had seen it. It may really new.




My kids' OT designed it! She loved HWOT, but it was missing a few things so she was always tweaking. Fundanoodle is the final product. My son is pictured in the brochure! The picture is maybe 2 years old - it was in the development phase at that point.

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