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Catholic families: Is there a cheat sheet for the changes to the mass? I am taking

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Preparation is good, but take heart, most parishes still have cheat sheets right there in the pew. You won't be any more lost than anyone else. Even our priest still messes up now and then. It's a big change.


The biggest thing to remember is, whenever you would have said "And also with you," now you say "And with your spirit." There are lots of other changes, of course, but that's the one that comes up over and over again during Mass.


Welcome home and happy Easter! :D

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Preparation is good, but take heart, most parishes still have cheat sheets right there in the pew. You won't be any more lost than anyone else. Even our priest still messes up now and then. It's a big change.


The biggest thing to remember is, whenever you would have said "And also with you," now you say "And with your spirit." There are lots of other changes, of course, but that's the one that comes up over and over again during Mass.


Welcome home and happy Easter! :D


Yep, we have them tucked right into the missals. ;)


And there is a good majority who continue to respond "and also with you" though we may just be passive-aggressive. Lol.

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When where these changes made and why? Just curious.


The Mass is written in Latin. When it was translated into English the choice was made to translate in a more paraphrase style, even dropping big sections at times. Although that paraphrase sometimes made for more logical English sentence structure, etc. over time, many came to believe that the paraphrase rather than more exact translation was sub-optimal and did not benefit those worshiping.


So in one sense, no change was made. The Latin, in which language things were already written was not changed. But to those of us in English speaking countries, it feels like things have changed, because we're saying things differently.


It would be like having the KJV 23 Psalm memorized and then trying to start saying it in the NIV translation. The original didn't change, but the wording in your translation did.

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