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Math after Alg. II

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I would recommend statistics. It is an incredibly useful area of math for understanding what you read in the news. Biology, environmental science, sociology, medicine, psychology, marketing, business, political science, etc all use statistics.


Ruth in NZ

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For a very not mathy kid... 12 th grade


Everyone here is going into Pre- calc and I just don't see it happening at our house


But I don't even know what else can be used..





My oldest was not a mathy kid and he had no plans to go to a University, just community college. He finished Algebra II in 11th grade, so his senior year he did Consumer Math. He learned about personal finances, investments, checking accounts, making major purchases etc. It was great for him!

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Consumer math was not accepted at both dc college, but I did get approval to use an Intermediate Algebra course after Algebra 2. I do know that Intermediate Algebra is considered Algebra 2, but it was a different text. It was a great decision, it really made algebra stick for my creative dd.

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I agree with lewelma above for the same reasons. Statistics is so useful in so many areas, including reading the newspaper. If your student has taken one statistics class already, I'd still take a second one. More important is to understand the concepts rather than just the formulas. If for some reason you don't want to do the statistics, you could consider Harold Jacobs' Mathematics: A Human Endeavor.

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Thanks for all the replies


He has already taken Personal Finance

and is planning on Accounting and Business Math next year - but those all count as business classes (ie Electives) at the colleges here.


They want a math "beyond Algebra II"


The Statistics sounds good - can anyone recommend a course or book for this.. When I google "statistics", I get a lot of statistics about pretty much everything, but no classes or books. ;)


Anyone who has done a statistics/probability course they can recommend.



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The Statistics sounds good - can anyone recommend a course or book for this.. When I google "statistics", I get a lot of statistics about pretty much everything, but no classes or books. ;)


We were very pleased with the AP Statistics course that my daughter took through Pennsylvania Homeschoolers. It is taught by Blue Hen who posts here.




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Have you looked at Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calc? It covers some topics other curricula cover in Alg 2 (so might provide some review pending what you've used) and then covers some Pre-Calc topics - definitely enough to allow it to be called Pre-Calc.


Otherwise, for statistics, if he's not mathy, I'd suggest a class and I don't know of any made for homeschoolers by video. There is AP stats with groups online as already mentioned, but if he's not looking toward a math future, I'd wonder if he needed AP Stats vs regular Stats.


Life of Fred makes a Statistics book - one I'm pretty sure is NOT sufficient for the AP test, but I've heard is decent for a basic understanding of statistics (which is what you're looking for if I'm understanding your posts correctly).

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Thanks for the suggestions


While I have heard great things about PA homeschool classes - I don't thing an AP class would do it for my son


I'll check out the Life of Fred book


I also saw that ALEKS has a statistics course. Has anyone done that one?

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Statistics is so useful in so many areas, including reading the newspaper. If your student has taken one statistics class already, I'd still take a second one. More important is to understand the concepts rather than just the formulas. If for some reason you don't want to do the statistics, you could consider Harold Jacobs' Mathematics: A Human Endeavor.


I'm not mathy, and neither is my oldest. DS is in 9th grade & is currently finishing up Algebra II, so he still has 3 more years of math. I'm curious about Jacob's book mentioned above. What KIND of math does it cover (i.e., is it considered pre-calculus, trigonometry, etc.)? I'm not familiar with this text, so I'm wondering what kind of high school math course it would be.

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Just wanted to add that Khan academy does statistics which might be useful with Fred.


Also dummies does a stastics course with a workbook. My DD13 did it over a few weeks because she had completed all of her math books. She really enjoyed it. It could be a supplement too.

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