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Creepy truancy officer---CNN story

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This is my town---I just really want as many people as possible to know what kind of truancy officer we are potentially dealing with here.....


I post it here because my small town has a way of sweeping everything under the rug and I'm glad that CNN got a hold of this story because maybe just maybe some of the stuff that I know happens in this town will come to light.

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This is disturbing. This is my hometown, as well. I would question how a minor can be capable of signing a contract that would send them away like that. How can that be legal?


As far as the allegations of abuse at Pinehaven go, I don't have any firsthand info. But, I would be interested in learning what's being done to find out the truth. Is there an ongoing investigation right now? Is this somehting that was alleged in the past and was unable to proven/disproven?


I know that the Ranch is highly regarded by some people whose judgement I would trust to a very great degree, and I'd be shocked to find out that they would recommend kids be sent there if there was any tiny grain of truth to the accusations.


I have heard that some kids who are sent to the Ranch have behavioral problems that would result in them needing to be restrained to keep from harming themselves or others. Is it possible that the choking mentioned in the video was used in that type of situation?


Very disturbing.

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This website has some info regarding the abuse at Pinehaven. It contains this bit of good news:


Ordered by the court to be returned home following the culmination of her school year on June 5th, 2012, C****** [name removed by me] will be finally be afforded the ability to be with her family, speak for herself without the censorship of the staff and administration of Pinehaven Christian Children’s Ranch, and have the opportunity to receive the licensed, professional mental and behavioral healthcare she deserves!

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She isn't even from IN, she's from IL (here). I don't see how any 15 year old could sign a binding contract without parental permission!!! This is so scary and disturbing. Makes me want to move even more.


According to the clip, a judge approved the recommendation of the truant officer, so it seems like the mom maybe doesn't have custody?


The truant officer is quite creepy.

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According to the clip, a judge approved the recommendation of the truant officer, so it seems like the mom maybe doesn't have custody?


The truant officer is quite creepy.


I thought it sounded like they took away her custody rights on the officer's recommendation. I did not see the full episode, though.

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I thought it sounded like they took away her custody rights on the officer's recommendation. I did not see the full episode, though.


It didn't really make it clear in the story. It just seems like the mom has had some troubles and they said she had been in jail, so maybe she lost custody. In any case, it seems bizarre that a teenager could be held to a contract.

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It didn't really make it clear in the story. It just seems like the mom has had some troubles and they said she had been in jail, so maybe she lost custody. In any case, it seems bizarre that a teenager could be held to a contract.


Or that they could be sent almost 2000 miles away! And so many from this area. That just reeks of craziness.

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Not nearly enough information available to determine what is going on. We will likely not know the full story because there are limits on what can be discussed wrt juvenile cases. There is not nearly enough information about the mother or the daughter's specific case for us to judge whether or not a residential placement was appropriate for this teenager.


That said, restraints using pressure points in the neck are inappropriately dangerous, and there are other ways to restrain.

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I've been looking into this more because I find it so disturbing Tori@the homefront---who are you???:001_smile:


Anyway---there's a group on facebook for past Pinehaven residents or parents to discuss Pinehaven issues---the mom on the clip was commenting on there quite a bit. She didn't lose custody of her child but apparently fought a long legal battle to get her child out of Pinehaven. My husband is a sub and actually knows a bit about the young girl. He said he never seen her as a behavioral problem and she was always well behaved and did her work in regular classes. It saddened him to learn about all that's happened to her.


The mother apparently voluntarily enrolled her in a program in IN and it was the truancy officer who asked the girl to sign some papers and then he drove her to the airport himself---the mom said on the FB page that she didn't have any clue what was happening until her dd was there. I think that is why her attempts at news coverage and her long legal battles to get her dd back.


There's also local MT news articles---(I'll post tomorrow--getting ready for bed) about the arrest of a Pinehaven staffer in 05 for the rape of two girls. There's also some articles that Pinehaven is going to be featured at the SIA 2012 conference--that's Survivors of Institutional Abuse.


Tori@thehomefront--I understand what you're saying about people in this area supporting the place. A lot of churches, drs, and various officials in this area support the place big time. But you have to ask yourself---do they know? Or are those people accepting of those values? Or is Pinehaven deluding people? I don't think that these people in our town that we may respect are infallible--if you know what I mean?


We have to be aware of when acceptance of something because of who supports it or what the place itself says it supports becomes a form of blindness. I think people in our area are too quick to give the benefit of the doubt.


I almost hesitate to say this---but I've heard from various people that this truancy officer has connections with the local paper. If so is it really surprising that Olney Daily Mail wouldn't cover it?

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Creepy is right.


Glad it looks like she is going home and hope she gets the help she needs.


I was in an abusive teen center for nearly 2 years until it was shut down by the state so these stories always alarm me. It makes me sad that they are out there. For a long time I thought the only one in existence was the one I attended. Not so much :glare:

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Tori@thehomefront--I understand what you're saying about people in this area supporting the place. A lot of churches, drs, and various officials in this area support the place big time. But you have to ask yourself---do they know? Or are those people accepting of those values? Or is Pinehaven deluding people? I don't think that these people in our town that we may respect are infallible--if you know what I mean?



Sorry that I don't know how the quote works yet! I believe I know you from our local co-op, WalkingIris, - Archers? LOL I thought it was probably you, but I'm fairly new here and didn't know proper etiquette for saying howdy. :tongue_smilie: I have four boys with one on the way, and am teaching the m-and-m math class this semester.


In my comments earlier, I didn't mean to argue with you. If there really is abuse happening at the Ranch (and the anecdotal evidence is very persuasive that it is), then the individuals I was referring to are being misled, I have to believe. I totally agree that no one is infallible, and we can't just accept what someone says because they're respected, etc.


It's just so sad, because how do you know whom to trust? In cases where you don't have any first-hand knowledge. Personallly, I feel that CNN has more of a liberal slant to their reporting, so I can imagine that might have influenced their reporting. (Not saying the abuse allegations are untrue, just trying to keep an open mind.) It's so easy for a story to be presented skewed, by either side. So, I don't know what to think about that part.


The thought that that Ranch could be considered as a viable place to send kids, while there are allegations outstanding or investigations ongoing, is really bothering me. When kids are involved, especially, wouldn't it be wiser to be cautious and not send them there until the facts are uncovered? Also, a truancy officer / court official / judge having the power to take away kids always makes me uneasy. I mean, what if someday they that homeschooling is harming my kids? Very scary.


Anyway, sorry I got to rambling. :001_smile:

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Sorry that I don't know how the quote works yet! I believe I know you from our local co-op, WalkingIris, - Archers? LOL I thought it was probably you, but I'm fairly new here and didn't know proper etiquette for saying howdy. :tongue_smilie: I have four boys with one on the way, and am teaching the m-and-m math class this semester.


In my comments earlier, I didn't mean to argue with you. If there really is abuse happening at the Ranch (and the anecdotal evidence is very persuasive that it is), then the individuals I was referring to are being misled, I have to believe. I totally agree that no one is infallible, and we can't just accept what someone says because they're respected, etc.


It's just so sad, because how do you know whom to trust? In cases where you don't have any first-hand knowledge. Personallly, I feel that CNN has more of a liberal slant to their reporting, so I can imagine that might have influenced their reporting. (Not saying the abuse allegations are untrue, just trying to keep an open mind.) It's so easy for a story to be presented skewed, by either side. So, I don't know what to think about that part.


The thought that that Ranch could be considered as a viable place to send kids, while there are allegations outstanding or investigations ongoing, is really bothering me. When kids are involved, especially, wouldn't it be wiser to be cautious and not send them there until the facts are uncovered? Also, a truancy officer / court official / judge having the power to take away kids always makes me uneasy. I mean, what if someday they that homeschooling is harming my kids? Very scary.


Anyway, sorry I got to rambling. :001_smile:


I wondered!!! Hi!!! Oh I know you weren't arguing. I agree with everything you've posted. That's what is bothering me essentially as well. It also bothers me that some people seem to have the idea that kids growing up in certain environments ought to automatically be removed. That seems a slippery slope. It appears to me that the mother was open about some abuse that happened to her child--we can't assume she's done nothing. It seems like she tried to seek help. Children do unfortunately get abused by relatives, but I don't understand how that translates into ALL family members being implicated as at fault. That's the impressions I sometimes pick up when I talk to people about this. If one family member is abusive then does that mean the child should be removed from the entire family? These are just questions I think about. My older sister and brother were removed from my mother and put into foster care and then adopted even though my paternal grandparents were offering their help. And then it was years and years until my family was somewhat put back together. It's something to think about---breaking apart families and then claiming as the "pastor" of this school claims---that these kids don't have a family life. Families have problems and unfortunately they can turn into big problems. Bigger problems when those who have some "authority" begin to step in as surrogate "parents." Good intentions can and do sometimes cause more harm.


I wanted to post this link here (this is my first time posting in the general forums) because children from other places besides our region are being sent here and I hoped others may have heard of this or would want to know.


I absolutely do agree that people are potentially being misled. It makes me uneasy how vested Charlie Duke seems to be in the place as well. It makes me uneasy that children (troubled or otherwise) are being sent so far away---where people essentially can't keep an eye on their well being. It bothers me that the kids have limited contact with people outside the "school" and it bothers me that there are guns on the premises.


They display pictures of them on their website---hunting safety. Be that as it may it still bothers me that there would be weapons of any kind at such a secluded school that labels itself a "behavioral modification facility."


I understand about liberal media etc. but there's enough news (some of it local Montana news) to support the idea that this place may not be an appropriate setting for children.


I'm glad that some of the past residents/students and past staffers are making an online presence of themselves. It can be incredibly difficult for the marginalized in our community to stand up for themselves. As an "outsider" (I'm not from here--not from Illinois) in this town, I sometimes feel as though I'm looking at this town through a different vision.


I also wanted to post it here because I think homeschoolers tend to think about education and the rights of children and parents more than maybe your average person.

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