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Meed a easy but great mac and cheese recipe

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Make macaroni noodles as usual. (boil w/1 T oil 9min) Drain in collander. Add all back to pan with:

Add 1/4c butter approx, a few large handfuls shredded cheese, 1/4cup approx milk

Stir well to melt cheese. Add more cheese to taste, depending on how much noodles you prepared.

Start to finish takes about 20 min (incl the time for the water to heat to boiling.) Enjoy.


Lisaj, mom to 5

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It's past dinnertime now, but I think plain ol' Mac n cheese IS easy. Some butter in a pan (4-8 tbs), some flour wisked in to absorb the fat (2-4 tbsp) and some milk to thin this mixture. After that, toss in any cheeses you like . . . clean out the fridge. I like sharp cheddar, pepper-jack, and Parmesan. Just melt it and add milk until it's the consistency you want. Season with salt and pepper. All of this can happen while the noodles cook. Mix the noodles into the sauce and it's made.


Once you get used to it, it's an easy, versatile recipe. Just keep tasting and adjusting. Bake for a while if you want to, or just eat it from the stove top. I use the same method to make scalloped potatoes.

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I use a 1-1-1-1 recipe (though I usually double it to 2-2-2-2 lol):


1 cup macaroni (measured before cooking)

1 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon flour

1 cup milk

1 cup shredded cheese


melt butter, add flour and cook 1-2 min, add milk and boil for 1 min, add shredded cheese

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You don't even need to make a sauce. Boil the macaroni, drain it and (while it is still hot) mix in grated cheese, butter and a little warm milk. The sauce will make itself. Grate more cheese on top and brown.


FWIW, I would put something green with tuna sandwiches, rather than more protein, fat and starch.



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Here's how I make it.


Boil water, add pasta and cook until done. Put into a colander to drain.


Return your pot to the stove and melt about 1/4C (1/2 stick) butter. Stir in 1/4C flour and then add about 2C milk (we've used regular milk, 1/2 & 1/2, coconut milk, almond milk, etc.) Stir until lumps go away and milk is thickened. Add 1-2 C cheese of whatever you have on hand - I love mozzarella and cheddar, parmesan, cream cheese, etc.


Add drained pasta to the cheese sauce, season to taste, and enjoy!

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