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Wisdom tooth extraction----- PAIN... please help!

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hi! i had one of my lower wisdom teeth extracted 4 weeks ago. it was an awful procedure, took and hour and a half. the tooth broke in a thousand tiny pieces and he had trouble with it and had to cut out quite a bit of bone he said. he gave me an antibiotic and vicodin and sent me on my way. just ove a week later went back because i felt something wasnt right. he said it was infected and gave me a stronger antibiotic and flushed out the socket. a week later and although it got better, i still have enormous amounts of pain over there. (all my other wisdom teeth were out previously and were not this bad!), so i went to another oral surgeon and had him take a look at it. he said it was healing ok, just very slow. he said i should not be having the pain there that i was describing so to maybe see someone about TMJ. i went to a physical therapist last week, and he said my jaw itself looks fine, but he is going to work on it a bit to keep it relaxed.


so why do i have so much pain?? no lie, i take a vicodin 325mg then 3 hours later 800mg of ibuprofen , then the vicodin 3 hours later again. i take it all day long! the socket itself throbs and then i have sharp shooting pains from there all over the place, up my ear, down my jaw... everywhere. if i try to go a 4th hour on the pain meds, i land up bawling until it kicks in roughly 20 minutes later.


any advice??? does this sound normal?? does it maybe just need a few more weeks??? :001_huh:

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Oh my goodness. I don't have any advice, but I am so sorry you're in so much pain :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:. Could it still be infected? That sounds just awful.


:grouphug: thanks u! well, i had done a week of penicillin when he said it was still infected and then switched me to two weeks of clindamyacin. i finished that friday, but do have a refill on the bottle. it doesnt "seem" to be infected and hasnt seemed to change at all since stopping on friday? but i could continue to take it.....

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you could have some nerve damage. It happens with extractions sometimes. I'm so sorry. I know it took several weeks before my pain went away, but I didnt' have it as bad as you. Do you flush it out daily? I was having pain and had food caught in the little hole. Flushign it out daily helped a lot.


keep ice on it, that helps a lot too.

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the oral surgeon said it wasnt dry socket??? i looked it up and it doesnt smell fould or have a discharge, well at least since the second antibiotics i started 2 weeks ago.....


and ive been swishing the whole out since i saw him as well.


i just have no clue what to do. if i remember correctly,. i dont even think i have another oral surgeon in the area that my insurance covers!! (small town) :(

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I think I would travel to another town if necessary to get a second opinion. Something doesn't sound right. You don't want to be on the vicodin any longer than is absolutely needed since it's highly addictive. It also changes your tolerance for pain so it can be deceiving.

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It is nerve damage. My mother had the same thing happen when she had her wisdom tooth extracted. It broke in 6 parts. She was in pain for years. I think it has finally calmed down some but at the beginning it was horrible. It takes a very long time to heal.

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It sounds like a dry socket, I had one. Second opinion? Vicodin did nothing for me, I used a loading dose of 1200 mg Ibuprofin, and 800 every 4, I know how badly it hurts! Also used heat on my face, heating pad. I hope you can find some relief! :grouphug::grouphug:

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