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Please critique my math plan. :)

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Here's the story, we are at a point in Singapore 1 that we either need to jump ship or accelerate. DS is really into multiplication right now, and wants more. I bought the first two BA book sets, and he loves them, but I had to take them away because I freaked out about the second half of the year isn't done yet. I realize now that I may have over reacted. :lol: I'm frustrated about the BA situation, because it sounds like the second set won't be done until the end of the year, and who knows how long it will take for grades 4 & 5. But I digress...



Anyways, we started 1b, and we both agree that this isn't what he needs. I thought about going through it really quickly, and I probably still will since I already have it, but I'm not surei should buy 2A & B. I do however have all of the Miquon books. I'm toying with the idea of just going with those, until I can confidently start BA and know that he will at least be able to finish year three without waiting for books to be printed.



Is it crazy to use Miquon only? I'm thinking of using it as a jumping off point, and I could always supplement with MEP if need be. I just have a feeling that he needs a jump, if that makes any sense. He loves that BA is challenging, and of course he loves the delivery. I feel like I can manipulate Miquon a little more than Singapore.


Also, in the event that BA 4 is not done when we need it, I'll just finish Miquon and/or go back to singapore at an appropriate level. (if BA weren't an option, I'd probably jump to 2B or 3A. I like Singapore, but DS likes BA more.)



I'm assuming I'll be able to start BA in the fall, and the second 1/2 will be ready by the end of the year, and we could start it early 2013.....



I'm just trying to think a little outside of the box here. It probably all sounds ridiculous.



/end math ramblings. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by someonestolemyname
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I love SM but I think going with Miquon only (with MEP if you need) sounds like a plan. DD is working in both 2A and 2B at the moment and neither is really meeting her needs. I've got myself into a silly situation of not wanting to "skip" anything in SM so we're plodding through even though she's had a brain spurt & seems to need something else. BA looks fabulous but shipping to here is outrageous so I feel like I can't just buy it & hope it fits. I think I'm going to sidestep back into Miquon and hopefully by the time she's done with purple it will be possible to get BA shipped here a little more cheaply.

Oh, she's also enjoying EPGY but I started her too low so it is still coming up to her level (have only done four or five sessions so far).

ETA the general point was that it doesn't sound ridiculous to me :)

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Multiplication is taught in 2b and 3a. Did you did a placement tes before starting SM? I tested my son before ordering and we skipped 1 completely. 2 had some concepts that were too easy, but others that he needed to work on. We had not learned any multiplication tables yet. We sped through the easy sections and took our time on tue new material. We have now finished all of 2a&b and we are working on the IP and CWP only. It is giving ss good challenge, again, we are skipping or skimming the concepts that are too easy.


You sound like you may be jumping curricula a bunch. I would recommend you not do that. You are more likely to have holes. You should keep one spine consistently. If that means just dong SM text, while adding in BA or other things, do that. I dont know how far Miquon goes, but you don't want to do BA, then go back to something else when you can't get the next level of BA. Whatever decide, just be sure you can continue with a consistent program.

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Is it crazy to use Miquon only? I'm thinking of using it as a jumping off point, and I could always supplement with MEP if need be. I just have a feeling that he needs a jump, if that makes any sense. He loves that BA is challenging, and of course he loves the delivery. I feel like I can manipulate Miquon a little more than Singapore.



Sounds like a terrific plan to me! Miquon does a terrific job in laying a firm theoretical/conceptual foundation for further math. And it is very adaptable up and down challenge levels. Do you have the First Grade Diary? It will give you lots of ideas on implementing Miquon in a fun and challenging way. I used it with both of my very math-adept kids, who then went on to use various other math curricula, including LOTS of AoPS - we started with AoPS before they even had a website. If I had another little one, I'd use Miquon again. :001_smile:

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Multiplication is taught in 2b and 3a. Did you did a placement tes before starting SM? I tested my son before ordering and we skipped 1 completely. 2 had some concepts that were too easy, but others that he needed to work on. We had not learned any multiplication tables yet. We sped through the easy sections and took our time on tue new material. We have now finished all of 2a&b and we are working on the IP and CWP only. It is giving ss good challenge, again, we are skipping or skimming the concepts that are too easy.


You sound like you may be jumping curricula a bunch. I would recommend you not do that. You are more likely to have holes. You should keep one spine consistently. If that means just dong SM text, while adding in BA or other things, do that. I dont know how far Miquon goes, but you don't want to do BA, then go back to something else when you can't get the next level of BA. Whatever decide, just be sure you can continue with a consistent program.



Oh, sorry, I probably didn't explain myself well. I forgot to mention that we have sporadically done miquon alongside Singapore. We opened BA and ds read the first few chapters, but haven't switched because of my apprehension about BA being ready in time. I do understand that it's not good to skip around, that's why I'm trying to figure out what to do about the whole BA thing.


How I should have explained myself was that I'm thinking we will switch to miquon, start BA in the fall alongside BA, and then continue with just miquon (and other supplements if needed) if BA 4 isn't available.



To answer a previous poster we did do the placement test in the fall and he placed into 1a. It's just that he learns in spurts, and not really in a linear fashion. I looked at the placement test for 2B, and he needs to learn those math facts, but I think he needs to learn them alongside something "meatier" which is why I thought of miquon, because we can venture into more in depth ideas. I'm just afraid there won't be enough. Then again, he doesn't need a ton of drill to get concepts, so maybe it would be okay.




Sorry, more math rambling.

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hmmm, some thoughts:


I think Miquon is perfectly fine to do as the main, with BA &/or MEP along side. Sounds like a good plan. FYI I like to use Miquon as the main in the beginning, then I shift to an equal Miquon/Singapore balance, then Singapore takes over as the main - since that's what I'll continue with as the spine when Miquon stops at 3rd (and then BA comes in :D).


Someone suggested to me the idea of using the singapore intensive practice book instead of the workbook if I'm finding the topic isn't challenging enough - but the concept needs to be covered. I really like that.


It doesn't sound like you're jumping too much, it sounds like you have a lot of options that you can use along side, I don't think that's an issue - especially with a mathy kid. FTR, my mathy DD is using Singapore spine, Miquon & now BA and it's not too much or confusing. I keep in mind that she's ahead so we can take our time with enjoying them all ;)


Oh, and I'd just let him read the BA guide if he's enjoying it. It won't ruin the meat in the practice pages. DD has read through the guide a few times but the practice is still a good challenge.

Edited by LMD
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Oh, and I'd just let him read the BA guide if he's enjoying it. It won't ruin the meat in the practice pages. DD has read through the guide a few times but the practice is still a good challenge.



I was just afraid he would be sick of it by the time we can actually do the lessons. I think I'll give it back to him, and see how it goes. Who knows when the next books will be ready, so by the time I actually get it out to use he may want to read it again. :D

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ah yes, I see your point! I don't know, obviously I can't speak to your son but for my DD reading through the guide for fun and actually sitting down to do the math was a totally different brain space.


This is what I'm finding. I don't think I will move to BA for our spine, at least right now. I think I will use it next year as our challenging math a couple times a week.



I'm actually really considering switching to MM or MEP. I think we will be accelerating a lot, and I don't want to spend so much money on math. (at least until he slows down.) plus he's not a "mathy" kid, he's a language kind of guy, so he's not asking to do hours of math everyday or anything. (I know this can change) so for us it's just sort of a subject to do.


I'm also still trying to figure out what to do with Miquon. I have the first grade diary and the lab annotations. I think DS is past most of the orange book, but we have only done a few lessons from it. I've readin several reads that it's important to start with the orange book. I'm going to give it one last go, but I'm thinking it's not really for us. (or more specifically, me.:lol:)



Thanks to those who replied, and managed to make their way through the ramblings.

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I love Miquon with MEP! That's our plan. Dd does Miquon for her harder math/conceptual stuff, and MEP for her fact practice (plus some MathRider), and then we'll start BA when I feel she's ready, and use MEP or Miquon on the side when needed.




How do you do Miquon? Do you do it sequentially through the books, or skip around a lot?



I'm just now starting to read about "visual spatial" learners, which im pretty sure i am, and my ds is, and Miquon seems like it would be a good fit for that. Although Singapore is supposed to be as well, and while I like it, DS isn't that impressed.

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