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So who gets to go?

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You get to go!!


I'll babysit if you're near me. I even still have my slings from my baby days. I can walk a crying baby or happy baby for hours in a sling...my arms don't want to fall off that way. :)


I am dumbfounded that this person EXPECTED to get the seat. Seriously? To me it doesn't even sound like you expected the babysitting and would most likely not be nearly as upset if that person was just not able to. But to add that they plan to use your seat and that is the reason they can't??! Uh, that would tick me off beyond belief and I'd make sure that even if I wasn't able to go they still wouldn't get the seat!

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Oh geez would I be ticked off! That's crazy.


BTW - I'm love babies, even if they are crying. Are you near KCMO? I volunteer to baby sit. It's been a long time since I've had a chance to read my Nancy Boyton books to any little ones.

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I think any of us would gladly help out with your little one for the day! I agree though, can you take baby with you??


Gosh, I'm mad for you. I can't imagine thinking I'd get to attend an event for a child in place of his own MOTHER!! What's wrong with people?!?

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My mother in law would totally say she couldn't babysit because she wanted to go TOO, but even she wouldn't be self centered enough to say she wanted to go INSTEAD. And she has crazy ideas about what is appropriate.


I'm in Alberta and I'd watch your baby if you're in my area.

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I am taken aback by the fact that this person thought that they could take your seat at the event!


:iagree: I can't believe this person feels they are more entitled to be at the event than you, the mother. I wouldn't let them have the seat even if I couldn't go.

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I agree with all those who said that they would make sure that person could not go no matter what-what nerve to think they had any right to your seat at a once in a lifetime event for your son! I agree with wearing the baby in a carrier and bringing them to the event, or would babysit for you in an instant, but in case you don't want to take an internet stranger up on that offer, I have had good luck finding sitters through http://www.sittercity.com They do charge a fee, but you can just buy one month if you want-the sitters are experienced and most have paid for the background check (in my area at least.) It also tells you who has first aid/CPR, they all have pictures, etc. I would try to find someone who could start coming over now for an hour or 2 at a time so the baby is familiar with them and less likely to cry by the time of the event in June

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