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If you used MFW K....


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What did you go on to use for 1st? I like MFW K so far ( I'm only 3 weeks in, though) . I'm just obsessed with finding the best resource(s) for us, and wanted to hear what everyone used for first, especially those who started with MFW.


I am ordering catalogs from everyone, and will be checking out the booths at the Great Convention here in Long Beach.


I'm so curious about Sonlight....it looks like fun, and i love the quality book selections. I also love that everything you need is in one box! But, I don't like that I would likely be using their K curriculum as a follow- up to MFW's K . I don't get the way things are classified at SL.


I also am interested in VP, MP, and HOD, but HOD's website is so cutesy and not....professional looking, IMO. Sorry if that sounds harsh....just my honest gut reaction to it. It really turned me off when I was shopping for K curriculum. I know, a web site doesn't mean everything. It's a bummer that they will not be at the convention in LB, because I would really like to get my hands on their IG to compare with MFW.



Ok...I'm just rambling now, but would really appreciate any input/ insight about first grade curriculum you could share.



Edited by Singingmom
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We did MFW K, well about half of it anyway. We followed up with Sonlight's P4/5 so the younger could join in. Now we are about halfway through Sonlight core A. Sonlight is a much better fit for us. I had a very, very hard time finding the MFW K books when I needed them and the 6 day schedule was crazy-making for me.

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Yes...I can definitely see how If you can't get a lot of the book basket books every couple of weeks, the program would be pretty thin. I have often wondered if they have any plans to do literature packages ( similar to the K one) for the other programs. I really like the literature packages ( girl, boy, and classic) that HOD has. I May have to call MFW and see if any plans are in the works to do that.


Oh, and as far as the 6 day schedule goes, we have been doubling up one day a week, since it really doesn't take too long per day to get through it all, at least on this level.


We did MFW K, well about half of it anyway. We followed up with Sonlight's P4/5 so the younger could join in. Now we are about halfway through Sonlight core A. Sonlight is a much better fit for us. I had a very, very hard time finding the MFW K books when I needed them and the 6 day schedule was crazy-making for me.
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Both of my gals who used MFW K also used MFW 1st grade.


side note for benefit of those who haven't MFW K.. mfw K is not "6 days a week". It's just 6 lesson days per unit study. wraps into next week as natural review, or at least I thought so. and the 2nd edition sample on their site makes it easier to understand. It's not intended to be a unit per week.

lots of solutions on book basket if you don't have "good library"... buy some of the books with asterisks. amazon, booksbloom etc. Ask at church libraries... used book sales. etc. I've seen people in other countries doing MFW without English libraries. doesn't mean that solution fits everyone.



1st grade -plenty of language arts - even for a child who is reading. The phonics are a great spelling time as well. Notebooking with Bible reader is writing. Copywork with Proverbs. Math is good. Science is enough for the age - but at the same time if you like to do more, you can without feeling overwhelmed.


there's classical music study. Come Look with Me books - picture study and art appreciation.


I guess if a student is getting done too fast in the day, add in foreign language. Schedule the nature walks too.


here's a glance at a week of 1st grade if that would help see some of it. It's not complete and I'm sure I missed something when I made that picture, but maybe it would help?



lots of good options on the market. glad we used mfw.



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We did MFW K, well about half of it anyway. We followed up with Sonlight's P4/5 so the younger could join in. Now we are about halfway through Sonlight core A. Sonlight is a much better fit for us. I had a very, very hard time finding the MFW K books when I needed them and the 6 day schedule was crazy-making for me.



Ditto on the bolded parts. We made it 19 weeks or so b/f bailing.

For first grd, we're going w/ TWTM: FLL1, WWE1, biology.

We're also starting AAS1 and doing some geography, Bible & art.

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The 6 day schedule is six days per unit and ends up being the right number of days at the end of the school year. It works out beautifully! Not sure why that is an issue unless you thought you should school six days per week. :001_smile: So sorry if that was the case.


The new MFW K guide is fantastic. It is such a rich program spiritually with Bible and character, literature wise with a fabulous book basket, poetry, classical music, hands on with crafts, science activities, cooking, games, etc. Your student puts together a notebook full of their work! What a keepsake. Marie has wonderful suggestions and encouragements for the Mom that I treasure. I am thrilled with it. We don't use it for learning to read (although we do many of the activities for fun) but for everything else.:001_smile::001_smile:


ETA: My oldest used MFW First Grade and we LOVED it. LOVE. :)

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To me, MFW K is more like a Pre-K, and I followed it with this for K:

ETC, then switched to AAR

Lollipop Logic series

MEP Reception & Y1

unit studies by Amanda Bennet

tagging along in BFSU and RSO science

circle time with scripture, song or fingerplay, and poems

Salsa Spanish

Signing Time

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Cbollin, thank you for explaining about the 6th day being a review day. Somehow, I missed that!



Both of my gals who used MFW K also used MFW 1st grade.


side note for benefit of those who haven't MFW K.. mfw K is not "6 days a week". It's just 6 lesson days per unit study. wraps into next week as natural review, or at least I thought so. and the 2nd edition sample on their site makes it easier to understand. It's not intended to be a unit per week.

lots of solutions on book basket if you don't have "good library"... buy some of the books with asterisks. amazon, booksbloom etc. Ask at church libraries... used book sales. etc. I've seen people in other countries doing MFW without English libraries. doesn't mean that solution fits everyone.



1st grade -plenty of language arts - even for a child who is reading. The phonics are a great spelling time as well. Notebooking with Bible reader is writing. Copywork with Proverbs. Math is good. Science is enough for the age - but at the same time if you like to do more, you can without feeling overwhelmed.


there's classical music study. Come Look with Me books - picture study and art appreciation.


I guess if a student is getting done too fast in the day, add in foreign language. Schedule the nature walks too.


here's a glance at a week of 1st grade if that would help see some of it. It's not complete and I'm sure I missed something when I made that picture, but maybe it would help?



lots of good options on the market. glad we used mfw.



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We loved MFW K and MFW 1st! In 1st, the child practices reading and narration using the MFW Bible Reader. I thought that this was a wonderful way to learn narration skills. The child makes a Bible Notebook containing the narrations and his/her drawings. It is a precious keepsake and something we will keep forever! This is one of my favorite treasures from all of our homeschooling years.


As a side note, my children were early readers and still really benefited from the phonics lessons and narration practice in MFW 1st. It is simple to adjust the program according to the academic needs of your student.


We have also done MFW Adventures, ECC and CtG, so we are fans of the program here.


Hope you find something that will fit your family!



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Ok...that was going to be my next question, so thanks for anticipating it! Do you feel like the L//A component is not very strong in MFW 1 St ? Does it need supplementation, if the child seems to be catching on pretty quickly to things?


So sorry, All About Spelling. This, along with Writing With Ease and First Language Lessons, would be overkill if used with MFW 1st.
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Mfw is strong in phonics and moves very quickly. I don't specifically remember any grammar, but I don't have the wkbk anymore to look it up. It does go into sing/plural and alphabetical order by day 107, but the parent guide doesn't show more than that. I believe the goal is to get them reading and start grammar and spelling in second grade.


Also, composition is done by narration and notebooking from the Bible stories. It's just a different method. Gentler, but still efficient.

Edited by jentancalann
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Thanks for responding! Did you feel it was challenging enough? Did you have to supplement?


The only thing I added was a separate math program for my now 9 year old for 1st grade. I didn't like the math workbook recommended by MFW. I think MFW K and 1st are plenty (with added math for 1st), but I tend to be more relaxed in the younger years.

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