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what would you with my history situation?


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That should be "What would you do with my history situation"



My 12 yr old son was homeschooled K, went to public school 1st, and then homeschooled again 2-4th grade. During this time, we were first using unit studies for history, then we moved to the first two SOTW books (I looped him in with younger siblings.) We were planning to mirror the local public school for the year they were going to do American History- this would have been his 5th grade year at home and allowed him to participate in many library sponsored activities. My husband lost his job though, and we moved in with family that didn't allow me to homeschool. His current school does not cover history at all this year. (Don't even get me started on that :glare:) They will cover American History next year.


We will be moving this fall to a new undecided-upon area and homeschooling again. I have no clue how to approach history for him now and cannot plan on a co-op or group because I don't know where we'll move.


I will have a 1st and 3rd grader that will start all over again with SOTW. I want to begin the 4 year cycle again with these two and eventually fold in my youngers. I will have a somewhat below-average 5th grader that I will likely straight out buy OM 5th grade since a complete program from one place is what works for him. It does cover American History that year.


What do I do with my upcoming 6th grader? He's done: various units that were scattered for his 2nd grade, and SOTW 1 and 2 for 3rd and 4th. He is doing nothing right now at school except studying randomly ordered people in history depending on what month is being celebrated at the time since it's not tested this year.


I feel like it's redundant to start SOTW 1 again with him this year. I am not sure if I can add him into the Oak Meadow 5th because their history and lit are integrated; he is way beyond that in LA. Maybe if I doctor it up and add to it with something? Could I look at how it's organized for OM5 early on and then supplement with more advanced materials?


Is there something else out there to look at? He's a fairly independent worker, but I don't know if I want to run three separate history programs, especially if two are the same place and era. And if it helps, I don't care if LA and history are tied together or not since we'll likely read both related and unrelated books.


Thanks! :lol: I have nothing better to do right now than incubate this baby, plan out homeschooling for fall, and hide from the MIL I live with.

Edited by prairiebird
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Could you just have him read a textbook for the time period you want to cover (whether world, state or U.S.)? Then you could supplement with online resources as needed/wanted.


I am doing SOTW with all of mine, just as a read aloud. Then DS is also reading a world history book independently. Last year he read a state history textbook for our state. I also do little unit studies and geography as a group study with all 3 of my school-age kids. This year we're doing the VP self-paced studies too.


Actually, I just remembered, I am thinking about adding one of these modules:



I don't think I need the whole set, but each individual segment is $20, so I might select a U.S. history one. I don't want the kids to go too long without at least touching on something a little more modern than what we are covering right now with VP.


Guess that's not very helpful as I can't make up my mind either. LOL!

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Have you seen OM 5 yet? My understanding is that the writing/lit side of it is advanced by the time it gets to 5th grade. If you are sure you're doing it for your younger student anyway, I would wait until you've really checked it out before you buy something else for your 6th grader. The OM may be just fine as is or may be easily adapted. OM 4 was fairly advanced IMO (of course, my son was far below average in writing) - but they assigned essays and research projects. Having them together would be SO much easier than doing separate things.

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I don't know if you have a preference for secular materials or not. If not, Notgrass has an American History package called America the Beautiful for 5th-8th grades. You could use as much or as little of the extras as you wanted (choose one of two different kinds of "workbooks" - one is short answer and one is more fun - puzzles, crosswords, etc., mapping, timelining, primary sources). There's also a literature pack, but you can certainly ignore that and do your own.

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Thank you! I am open to both secular or religious. Which also reminded me that there was a Catholic textbook from CHC too. I have tried to veer away from the textbook only stuff, but I can work with that. I am just not really familiar with what's out there!


The Catholic School Textbook Project book From Sea to Shining Sea would work for both the 5th and 6th grader. It is a very good textbook (MA uses it as a living book).


Another good textbook is American History by Lepanto Press. My 5th grader who has struggled with school used it this year, and she has retained a lot. I added in the Usborne Last 500 Years books for some world history coverage, and I called history good for the year for her.


Or MP has put out a one year of American history that sounds like it might work for you too.


I think, in your situation, finding and using a really good textbook might give the content coverage you want but still give the kids more independence, which it sounds like you need for next year.

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