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menstrual cycle changes....what might be going on?

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diving right in and asking this here.


What might be causing this?


*red spotting the night before period should have started

*normal physical signs that period was about to show up

*more cramping than usual (in fact, 1st time with cramps in years)

*day it should have started, one episode of brown spotting w/some mucous mixed in

*nothing else since then (it is now the 2nd day since it should have started, so not terribly late yet)

*still some mild cramping, off & on, which might at this point be me worrying about what's going on


I'm 36, and have no idea what age females in my family have started menopause; several of them had hysterectomies before that.


Is this just the beginnings of perimenopause? Things starting to change?


Or something else?


(not on any hormonal b/c or other meds, no change in diet lately, not a period of stress, etc.)


I don't have a regular OB/GYN because I've not yet found one I like here. The first guy I went to spoke English but was a perv (he was quite proud to be the first Brazilian to give me an internal exam. He said that to me. Out loud.); the 2nd guy I went to spoke English and was nice enough but my insurance doesn't cover him and he's too $$$$$ to see regularly. The 3rd was a lady and she was okay but her Portuguese was hard for me to understand, plus I've moved since then and it would be hard to get to her now.


So, if I can sort this w/o an OB visit, I'd be thrilled.

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Could you be expecting?


I was going to ask the same thing. I suppose a random weird period might be more likely, depending on circumstances, but I was wondering if you had tried a HPT.


My first thought was pregnancy too :)


It is not totally impossible, but it would be fairly unlikely.


Or God showing us who's boss.


Or Mother Nature having a last laugh, whichever way you'd rather look at it.


To try and put it in proper board terminology.....there's been TeA, but mostly always with the lid on. Except one time right mid cycle when it seemed like the pot boiled over, only upon closer inspection seemed like it hadn't. And then the lid was put on before the pot finished boiling.


So. I suppose *IF* some steam escaped in that little episode, then maybe.


But I'm so trying to ignore that possibility and find any other reason, at all, that things might be happening (or rather, not happening) as they are.


No one has any other ideas, at all????



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I've never been regular. A couple months back I had some spotting for one day. Three days later full-on flooding. Then two months in a row started on the 19th. This month, I had bad cramps on Thursday. Figured I'd start on Friday but nothing. Sunday night a tiny bit of spotting. Same today.


It's too early to test. I'd wait about a week to test, if needed. :D

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I've never been regular. A couple months back I had some spotting for one day. Three days later full-on flooding. Then two months in a row started on the 19th. This month, I had bad cramps on Thursday. Figured I'd start on Friday but nothing. Sunday night a tiny bit of spotting. Same today.


It's too early to test. I'd wait about a week to test, if needed. :D




At least *someone* is on my side, LOL!


Hoping for the same thing (that I start soon, now that I've posted this here...).


for sure I will not work up the guts to buy a test until the weekend at least, if that soon.


A wonky weird period would be most welcome....(sigh).


(re: if it's not just a wonky period....it's just...all three of mine were in NICU for various lengths of time. Dealing with that, again, and where we now live....so not on my list of things to ever have to do again....and a million other tiny inconveniences....all of which I realize we could and would overcome if that turned out to be the case....just saying, there is a reason for my preference for it to be anything but that)


Oh, and, on the off chance I actually know some of you in person, on FB, etc. --- I'm so not mentioning this anywhere else.

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Well, I mentioned up thread I think a random wonky period is more probable, especially since you feel it is improbable that this is related to pgcy.


I have irreg. periods due to PCOS. THey are quite regular now compared to how they were at one time. I've experienced all manner of weird periods (anovulation lasting 9 months to a full blown period that lasted 6 weeks straight to everything in between). But I am not a good example because I have wonky periods to begin with :glare:

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I'd check out the obvious first. If not that (very well may not be), it could be the start of perimenopause where things start to get a little wonky. That's how mine started at about your age. Now, just a few years later, I don't ever know WHAT to expect as far as female issues. My doc (GYN turned family practitioner) assures me that it's all normal and typical, but it drives me crazier than the hormones are already driving me.

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Your thread has me VERY interested because I am in the same position. (sort of)- that is why I was so quick to tell you to test.


I disagree that it is too early to test. My only confusion would be that I see you are out of the country- and I don't know about tests other than the US. I have always used First Response and always got an accurate early positive.


One irregular cycle is no big deal. The general rule of thumb is to monitor for three cycles. If you continue to have issues- then it is time to be seen.


I am also 36. I do not think it is that unusual at this age to start missing a period also. You can delay your period thru stress, etc. Did you have a stressful month or life event? Cycles do start to change and "get weird." Mine actually (changing the pattern,etc.) started around the age of 34.


If you feel fine, you could even just consider it a "missed" period and wait to see what happens when you expect your next cycle to begin.


Some more thoughts!

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It could be a pregnancy but it sounds more like wonky hormones to me. I have those issues and I know I have low progesterone. Do you know how many days post ovulation you are?


no, not exactly. Normally I ovulate around day 12 to 14; this is day 29 (I usually start on day 28, but this time signs suggesting I'd start w/in the next 12 hrs would have had me starting on day 27).


But I don't really track ovulation, much. We use barrier method regardless, so I'm more or less guessing on that ovulation thing based on past pregnancies. I've never noted on the calender what day it is when mucous changes happen or anything like that, and I don't take my temp or chart or anything.


The, ummm, incident in question would have been day 13.......


I'll google low progesterone and see if I have other symptoms of that.

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