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Quick! Help me! I need something to entertain my 4yo

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My older kids are doing art (Atelier) while I clean the house and my 4yo is in an uproar because he wants to do something. I need to clean and he can't do the art with them (just trust me on this, LOL).


I need something engaging for him to do that he can do by himself for the next hour or so.


Any brilliant ideas? I can't really send him outside by himself. :(

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I know it's too late now, but for future reference ... can he do art-ish things in the same room as them, or maybe you?


My kids like drawing on mirrors and windows with wet-erase markers or window crayons. Sometimes lipstick if I'm desperate and can't find markers or crayons LOL.


Another easy one is putting a few drops of food dye into a spritzer bottle (with water). My preschoolers loved to spritz water on the windows and sliding doors, then use their fingers to draw designs. Only in the rooms with tile -not carpet- though!


My youngest is 4 years younger than the next kid, who is 4th of 4 that were born in a 5 year period. The baby is always trying to do what the older kids are doing! Over a couple of weeks, I had the older four help me create activities for the youngest. I bought a truckload of felt using coupons for JoAnns and Michaels, and asked the older kids to cut out shapes. Then we wrapped a foamboard in one large felt piece to create a large feltboard. The youngest could create all sorts of designs, etc. quietly and relatively mess-free in any room of the house -- animals, people, weather forms, and just random shapes (triangles, rectangles, etc.)


Another project I had them do was lacing boards. I bought cardboard cake bottoms (round) that came 5/pack. Each older kid drew a few designs (tree, pig, cross, house, etc.) then punched holes around the perimeter of his design. We bought a bunch of shoelaces and then let the youngest lace the designs. They were easy to store, and also portable.


What about some Kumon-type books to keep on hand? THey have those cutting and pasting ones that seem relatively easy ... but maybe by "trust me" you mean even those aren't a good idea? (I have a nephew that we don't let near scissors because he's cut hair, drapes, clothes, and more, and he's 8 LOL so I understand!)

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What everyone else said :tongue_smilie:


If I have an easel and a big roll of butchers paper, my kids would not bother me for the entire day, but they are very very art & craft orientated.


What about having 5 boxes or 1 box (however many times a week you need this solution) filled with fun stuff that hes only allowed to have during this time. Books, colouring books, toys, coins,magnifying glass (my littlies have been known to disappear off with the magnifying glass for hours, examining everything from themselves to the floor :lol: ) Or a workbox system for him to use (one draw filled with lacing cards, next with colouring, next with fridge magnets etc)

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