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The River - are you watching??

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I am loving this show! Every week I can hardly wait to see what happens next. But, I don't know anyone else who is watching it. I'm hoping it's popular enough to continue. Anyone else watching?

I wonder what it says about me that this and The Walking Dead are my two favorite shows??

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I wonder what it says about me that this and The Walking Dead are my two favorite shows??



Mine, too, so I'll wonder with you :001_smile:. Dh and I watched the season finale of Walking Dead just last night. My stomach is always in knots when I watch that show, but I could hardly stand it during the finale. And it hurts my heart to see Rick teetering on the edge of madness now.


My girls are excited about seeing The River tonight. They are keeping their fingers crossed that it will get picked up for another season. Something about the "ancient", the "primitive", the "power", and the "unkown" in that show reminds me of H.P. Lovecraft.


Happy watching : )

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I am loving it! I have watched from the beginning the same with The Walking Dead :lol: They are two of my favorite shows. I hope it gets picked up as well. I sure am praying! I hate when shows get canceled and have no time to wrap anything up or answer questions. My kids all like it too.

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I love The River. However, I feel it would have made a much better movie than a TV show. I'm also worried, because I think (I could be wrong) that it is the last episode... maybe I am getting my shows mixed up. Anyway, my big issue with The River is the plot holes/gaps in the story.


But other than that, the "thrill" of the show keeps me watching it again & again! I thought The Experiment was a very good episode, I can't wait to see the new one!

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I watched a couple of the first episodes. I found myself rolling my eyes a lot because I thought it was cheesy at times and a little predictable. It is pretty easy for me to get sucked into new shows but this one was a dud for me.

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I'm so glad that I'm not the only one watching this!! I hope there are many more who are, too.


Ashley, I'm also worried. I thought that I saw somewhere before the first episode aired that The River was only going to be something like six or seven episodes long. I'm hoping that I'm wrong!


Julie, you're right to be afraid!! But, you have to watch it to find out why.


S.J., sorry it was a dud for you. There are definitely cheesy, predictable parts, but I still love it. :D

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