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Inspire me! Kids' closets and seasonal clothing

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My husband insists that all the kids' clothing can be kept in their closets, including all seasonal clothing. I'm used to buckets upon buckets of clothing. I will say that dressing my youngest is much easier now that she's home-schooled. (Not that she's a slob, but I don't worry about whether the sleeves are too short or if it matches or looks a bit worn).


My 10 yr old loves clothing. My 12 yr old has special clothing as she can't manage zippers/buttons so it's all elastic and pull-over (and hand me downs after her are not desired by my mini fashionista).


People have given us clothing that I save until it fits.


I have buckets upon buckets of clothing. Hubby says it's time to toss it if it's not working.


We have two very large walk-in closets for the girls.


Does anyone else keep all season clothing in their kids closets? Help me see that it can be done or save me time by assuring me it can't.



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Sort of. My children have a shared room with a divider wall and 1 large"ish" closet. It is dark and hard to get in and out of so they each have a dresser for clothing. Everything except for 2 dresses for my daughter and 2 nicer outfits for my son go in the dressers.


It sounds like too many clothes might be the problem. We have enough clothes for 1 week of anything. Meaning pants, shirts, sweatshirts, shorts,etc to fit/wear for 1 week without doing laundry.

Now when some of our clothes do not fit anymore we might make them pajamas, otherwise donated they go.


The dressers for both of my children are not large, my daughter only has 6 drawers and that holds all of her bras,undies,socks, pants/shorts, shirts and pajamas. She is 12.


My son actually has a larger dresser but his top drawer holds some small blankets for extra cold nights in the winter.

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Two big walk-in closets for three girls close in age? I'd say this is totally doable.


Since your middle daughter doesn't want to wear hand-me-downs from your oldest, and it sounds like you don't need her to, cull your oldest daughter's clothes twice a year and get rid of anything that doesn't fit her. Ditto for the youngest daughter.


Save your middle daughter's clothes for the youngest daughter.


I keep what I consider to be a generous number of clothes for my kids. I like to be able to pack for a week for any season with three outfits left over. So, that means 10 shirts (max) each for long sleeve and short sleeve, 2-3 sweaters, and 10 bottoms for summer and winter. 1-2 "nice" outfits per kid. And that's it. Don't keep more than that in hand-me-downs, either. Pick your favorite 10 outfits per season per size and pass the rest along.

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I was hoping for more ideas. I fear being crushed to death by a rubbermaid tub as I am climbing up and down a ladder. We store them in the attic which does not have easy access. I know it isn't the best for the clothes either because of the heat. Maybe in a few years my kids won't have toys in their closets so the clothing storage will be easier.

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People have given us clothing that I save until it fits.


I have buckets upon buckets of clothing. Hubby says it's time to toss it if it's not working.


We have two very large walk-in closets for the girls.


Does anyone else keep all season clothing in their kids closets? Help me see that it can be done or save me time by assuring me it can't.




I do. We have four boys that span a six year age gap, plus a girl (who likes to wear their clothes and is always stealing into their closets). We live in the armpit of America where within 48 hours it can go from the high 70s down to the 30s, from sunshine to rain. And we travel very frequently, so having all types of clothing available is most convenient.


The only things kept separately in a hall closet are coats, swimwear, uniforms for extracurriculars (sports, scouts, costumes), and all shoes -- the bulkier things, and things more likely shared and/or passed down.


Three of the boys wear the same size but each has his own very different sense of style, so it's challenging to have a collective boys' stash. Because of this, they're limited to a certain section of the closet. I don't care how many clothes they wish to squeeze into their section of closet, so long as it stays neat and the clothes don't wrinkle from being shoved in so tightly. Might that work for you? A compromise between paring down the stash and leaving it to the girls to select what they most like from your buckets (even those that don't fit yet, but will soon)?

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