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Another Pinterest question...

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Has anyone read this story?:

A Lawyer Who is also a Photographer just deleted all her Pinterest boards out of fear

I don't really get this; when I "pin" an image, all I'm doing is linking to the original blog or website. Why would this be a problem?

Lucy, I read this yesterday and dh and I have thought and thought about it. Did you read the comments? I've decided that I'm not going to worry myself about it. We live outside the U.S., which helps, but even if we lived within the U.S. - I doubt there's much to worry about. More fear-mongering or something. I have made sure (and will check again from time to time - to go to my pinterest account and set all my settings - FB, Twitter, and "Hide Your Pinterest Profile from Search Engines".

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I've been reading things about Pinterest also, and have stopped pinning for now.

I did discover Clipix, which is very similar to Pinterest but has a privacy setting so that no one else can see my boards. I signed up a few days ago and actually like it better than pinterest in some ways.

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I did discover Clipix, which is very similar to Pinterest but has a privacy setting so that no one else can see my boards. I signed up a few days ago and actually like it better than pinterest in some ways.

This looks really interesting. Thank you. :)

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I have read about this problem and have made an effort not to pin or repin any kind of professional photography. I could see where a professional photographer would be irked when a bunch off people were saying things like "I gotta try this with my clients /kids". That would take away the specialness of their shooting. As for the people that post recipes/craft ideas/etc on their blogs, they are meant to be shared and their blogs get way more traffic because of Pinterest. In blog world, more traffic means more ads are willing to pay for a space and that can only be good for the blogger. I also make sure to hunt down the original creator (or as far down as I can) of projects. That means if the cute bunny socks that are linked are actually an example from so and so's blog, I go to so and so's blog, and then go on from there if needed linking back to the furthest credit I can.

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a blogger and professional photographer wrote a similar post about deleting her boards because of copyright problems, she then wrote a follow-up post after having pinterest call her to talk about it.


here is her follow-up


I'm hoping pinterest will hear the concerns and change their TOS- so far, I am still pinning, hopeful they will change things.

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I'm with Jen. I'm still using Pinterest, hoping that the issues will get worked out. I mostly pin recipes and home improvement ideas. These are shared on sites which I don't think will mind getting more traffic! I do understand the concerns of photographers, though. I have a friend who does photography, and she's been posting lots of "inspiration" shots. I didn't think about it before, but the original photographer might not appreciate Pinterest making it so easy to rip off their original ideas.





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a blogger and professional photographer wrote a similar post about deleting her boards because of copyright problems, she then wrote a follow-up post after having pinterest call her to talk about it.


here is her follow-up


I'm hoping pinterest will hear the concerns and change their TOS- so far, I am still pinning, hopeful they will change things.


This sounds promising! I am really hoping that it will change soon and I can feel comfortable pinning and repinning again.

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but the original photographer might not appreciate Pinterest making it so easy to rip off their original ideas.


But if I'm pinning one of her photos, I'm linking back to her blog or website. If she has put something on the internet, I'm assuming it's because she wants people to see it. Why would she be upset? Isn't it the same as people putting her photo with a link to the original source, say, on their own blog?

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But if I'm pinning one of her photos, I'm linking back to her blog or website. If she has put something on the internet, I'm assuming it's because she wants people to see it. Why would she be upset? Isn't it the same as people putting her photo with a link to the original source, say, on their own blog?



And besides, it's the INTERNET. I don't have to pin anything to 'steal' an idea. I can google to my heart's content, right click and save to a file that I can refer to prior to any photo session. Or not even right click, just absorb the image and go about my merry way...


If you don't want folks seeing it, don't put it on the 'net. Simple. Or stick to certain images so you limit exposure.

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ok, I admit. I am a little confused. The first article linked copyright laws that say this:


Copyrighted work can only be used without permission when someone is criticizing it, commenting on it, reporting on it, teaching about it, or conducting research. Repinning doesn't fall under any of those categories.


When you pin something, are you not commenting or conducting research? If I pin a pic of a homeschool classroom and comment in the space under it: "Would love this!" or even "homeschool shelves" am I not commenting even if at the most menial level? And if one pins a photographers photo for inspiration to possibly use in the future, is that not research? Also, pinning, for all intents and purposes, "cites" it by linking to the original source. Not sure I get the issue.


Maybe I am just really confused though. . . :tongue_smilie:

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A few links that made me wary of pinterest:






I could be confused, but basically what they're saying is that legally, before pinning, pinterest members should get written permission from the owner of whatever they're pinning. Pinterest has the right to sell, use, or do whatever to any content uploaded to their site and any copyright lawsuits, etc will fall on the pinner, not pinterest. I hope I'm wrong and someone will tell me that's not really what it means. I really enjoyed pinterest but I just don't feel comfortable with it right now.

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A few links that made me wary of pinterest:






I could be confused, but basically what they're saying is that legally, before pinning, pinterest members should get written permission from the owner of whatever they're pinning. Pinterest has the right to sell, use, or do whatever to any content uploaded to their site and any copyright lawsuits, etc will fall on the pinner, not pinterest. I hope I'm wrong and someone will tell me that's not really what it means. I really enjoyed pinterest but I just don't feel comfortable with it right now.


Pretty much! In order to use pinterest according to the TOU things pinned need permission from the original poster of the picture. That isn't such a big deal to me because a simple comment with response isn't to far out of the norm...the concerning part is the part where the TOU say they can sell or license material posted on pinterest which I feel is not fair to the original copyright owner and thus why I have stopped pinning :(

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ACK. I've been mulling all this over for WEEKS! I have had friends who have deleted all their boards and ceased to use it. I personally have deleted one or two boards and keep using it, but rarely. Honestly, I have soooo many "likes"- twice as many pins. HA. I thought about going back and double checking some of the pins to make sure they weren't from places/people who did not want pinned. Or, commenting on them because that, I read, is supposed to make them fall under "fair use" terms...if you comment about an individual pin. ??? Not sure, but sounded good. LOL.

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