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Runners, if you've been sick, and taken a week off your training,

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Do you just resume with your training schedule when you begin running again, or go back a bit? I'm training for a half marathon (April 21), and am scheduled to do a 10 mile long run this week. But I took a week off due to having the flu. I'm feeling better now and want to return to my regularly scheduled programming. Should I go ahead with the 10, or drop down a bit and then start building up again?



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Wow, Scarymelon, I'm glad you're able to get back to training so soon! I won't feel sorry for myself about getting a little flu. Surgery would be much worse!


When is your half, and is it your first? This is my second, but the first I'm going to run the entire distance, and the first 8.5 miles are uphill. I'm very excited!


Good luck to you!

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I'd still do the 10 with only a week off. However, I'd really try to work in some extra sleep around it. Also, I've been known to take a 10 miler and break it into an 8 and 2 miler on occasion, esp. when coming back from something. I would run the 8 at close to regular planned pace, and then the 2 mile at a recovery pace later in the day.


Everyone is different though, so these are simply suggestions, not proclamations! I think the most important thing is to plan something and be ready to adapt once you feel how things are going out there. :grouphug:

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I'm training for my 1st (4/28) too. After my 8 mile run I got bronchitis. I was out for 2 weeks. I had to drop back that first week a ridiculous amount. Then I had to double up to catch up to my schedule. It was hard. Very.

I think most cut back by half of where they where and increase back at a faster pace.

Good luck!!

I just finished my 9.5m run and I'm just waiting to see if I get sick again. :)

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Do you just resume with your training schedule when you begin running again' date=' or go back a bit? I'm training for a half marathon (April 21), and am scheduled to do a 10 mile long run this week. But I took a week off due to having the flu. I'm feeling better now and want to return to my regularly scheduled programming. Should I go ahead with the 10, or drop down a bit and then start building up again?




I tend to have a week during marathon training where there is something wrong with my feet - blisters out of nowhere or something relatively minor. I go back and do the skipped week and then carry on. It's usually toward the end of training so when we're doing like a 14 or 15 mile run on the week I missed. Instead of going on to the next week, I skip he week of the longest run.




r-4-8-5-r-12-cross <-missed week due to feet






Start at the 12 mile week and keep going as if nothing was wrong. But then skip the 20 mile entirely Or switch the 18 mile and 20 mile weeks.


Clear as mud?

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Thanks to each of you for your responses! And yes, Cheryl, I understood you perfectly. Your mile chart example was very helpful! I'm going to go ahead and attempt the 10, and have my husband on call to pick me up early if necessary. (He's going to pick me up anyway, because I'm running to the next town. I need some new scenery!) It has been hard to take a week off; I'm getting really antsy to go running again!

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Thanks to each of you for your responses! And yes' date=' Cheryl, I understood you perfectly. Your mile chart example was very helpful! I'm going to go ahead and attempt the 10, and have my husband on call to pick me up early if necessary. (He's going to pick me up anyway, because I'm running to the next town. [b']I need some new scenery!)[/b] It has been hard to take a week off; I'm getting really antsy to go running again!



I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll make the full 10! :D

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This happened to me last month. My HM is 2 weeks from now, but last month I lost over a week to the flu. I tried to pick up with my training plan but I could not. I think you should go with how you feel. If you can just jump back in where you should be, go for it. I tried to jump back into my program, but my body would not let me. I'm still struggling to get back to where I was. :glare:


But really, listen to your body. It will tell you what you can handle.

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