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So, we're supposed to have hard problems and


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I just bought BA 3A/B for my DD, who is working through the 6th grade level of Mathletics and is taking middle school pre-algebra placement tests for "fun". What's wrong with this picture??? (I know, I know...I was seduced by the cute little critters!!)

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I know! :lol: We're not quite as far ahead as you (just finishing up the first unit of 4B), and I've recently thrown in LoF Fractions and such to slow him down, and then I order 3rd grade math. :tongue_smilie: He'll love it though. He literally jumped for joy when I told him I'd ordered it! :D

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DD7 is working well ahead of 3rd grade math as well, but BA is another perspective on a topic she loves.


I get all kinds of books for DD's enjoyment in other subjects without worrying too much about the level, so why not math too? :001_smile:


And yes, the critters are too cute!

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I am ordering it. I was excited that it's not too pricey. That helped me talk myself in to it. I suspect it will be challenging enough and that it will be fun for dd. We'll see. If it isn't too challenging I hope it helps improve her desire to do math. If she liked math a little more I suspect it would turn in to one of her easier subjects. She has the capacity to do pretty much anything I put in front of her but where math is concerned the desire levelnis way below the ability level.

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