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Poor Princess

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I don't know what got into her head, but ever since Wolf was saying goodnight to the kids last night, explaining he wouldn't be home when they got up, and would be home either Sat or Sun, she's started asking if he's going to die :001_huh:


He's been home on parental leave since Boo's been born, so 4 mths now. The Littles are totally used to Daddy being here basically 24/7.


Him being away over night has totally thrown them into a spin. They reacted when he was gone for the interview, but this time seems worse for some reason.


Even when he called home, Princess asked, "Did Daddy die?" :001_huh:


They've talked to him 3x today...and still when they were saying their prayers tonight, both Littles prayed Daddy would come home safe and 'not die'.


I honestly have no clue where this whole dying thing has come from.

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When my oldest was little he suddenly started asking God to, "make sure the food is not poisoned." Startling, especially at a meal with company.


I couldn't figure it out, and he did it for weeks. Years later he told me that a family was poisioned in one of the Redwall books he had read and it completely freaked him out.


Anyway, that's just to say it can be really hard to figure out exactly why or where a child picks up worries.



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:grouphug: Sometimes kids just become aware of the possibilities, you know? :grouphug:

Yeah, I guess...I just don't know how...We haven't had any loss recently, Wolf's Gpa died when she was 3, so not old enough to remember, really...It's come out of the clear blue sky as far as I can figure out.

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