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Uh Oh!

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Well, I went ahead and started my son on our second grade curriculum, I wanted to make sure that what I have will work before I go to the convention next weekend.

Mt son hates writing. Creative writing, copying Bible verses, he doesn't even like writing in answers to workbook type things!


Turns out the Weaver curriculum isn't going to work this year.

Before I'd even bought the Weaver, I'd purchased BJUP Bible curriculum and I want to do that one. We've started it and I love it more than I did before we started it. The Weaver has a Bible lesson also and the rest of the lessons are built around that. So, do you see the problem? I don't want to bog my children down with 2 separate Bible lessons a day, but that's the whole POINT of the Weaver, the Biblical base the lesson brought from around it.


So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ideas. Should I go ahead with what I have or should I shelve it for a year and find somethin else for this year until we finish the Bob Jones Bible?

Any opinions will help. Even if they aren't what you think I'd like to hear. LOL!


Thanks in advance. It's much appreciated.

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That's so sweet that you're excited and getting started!!! He's so young, what you might do is just start SLOWLY and start with something he likes. I'd only do one little bit of handwriting each day for a while, till he gets more comfortable, not 3 different things. Can you take the Weaver lessons (which I've never seen) and spread them out? Like one day do the math, next day do the spelling, next day do the craft. That way you're getting used to it with a gentle pace. It's called ramping up, where you just start with one thing per day, then the next week go up to two, etc. After a month you're up to full pace with no stress.


The BJU Bible is very sweet and the songs they learn will be fun for all your kids. Since you like that, can you just skip the Weaver Bible lesson? Or merely mention what the point was? Or tell them the theme for the week? Or teach the lessons and then ask if they can guess what the mystery theme was? Or hold the theme up as a picture or something you put on the bulletin board or on your door with magnets or whatever. (growing, so put up a picture of a tree) That way you're discussing it belaboring it. Two bible lessons a day never hurt anyone. :)

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I don't think it would hurt to do Weaver along with BJU Bible. However if you *don't like* the Weaver, feel free to switch to something else. Is the Weaver requiring a lot of writing? I wouldn't think it does, because one of my friends used Weaver for her oldest when he was a first grader. He's a very intelligent little boy, but like yours (and mine and so many others) he hates writing things down. She was pretty happy with Weaver, so I'm thinking it wouldn't have been so awfully writing heavy.

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Thank you!

I really like the Weaver it's very low key. Very hand's on. It to me does have quite a bit of writing, creative writing which is every day, then there's writing in language arts, writing in the applications of science and social studies. I think I could get him into it with those things. You know when it's something he's excited about.

My main hesitation with it was the Bible lesson I feel like we have to do or he won't get the connection. Lol. I just didn't want to overwhelm them with too many Bible facts or stories in a day, ya know? I'm afraid that the information might start to get jumbled up :) heheh.


So the Weaver includes everything but math and reading.

Math is my son's ,thing, when I ask him if he wants to do something fun he asks for math. Lol. So, how do you think I should ramp up with that knowledge? I chose Rod and Staff reading and Math U See and Singapore Math's. Just do one subject a day? How long do you think? Probly depends on my ds right? Oh there's so much to think about! Ha!

Thank you again.

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Thank you!

I really like the Weaver it's very low key. Very hand's on. It to me does have quite a bit of writing, creative writing which is every day, then there's writing in language arts, writing in the applications of science and social studies. I think I could get him into it with those things. You know when it's something he's excited about.

My main hesitation with it was the Bible lesson I feel like we have to do or he won't get the connection. Lol. I just didn't want to overwhelm them with too many Bible facts or stories in a day, ya know? I'm afraid that the information might start to get jumbled up :) heheh.


So the Weaver includes everything but math and reading.

Math is my son's ,thing, when I ask him if he wants to do something fun he asks for math. Lol. So, how do you think I should ramp up with that knowledge? I chose Rod and Staff reading and Math U See and Singapore Math's. Just do one subject a day? How long do you think? Probly depends on my ds right? Oh there's so much to think about! Ha!


Thank you again.


But surely you can choose activities which don't require writing.


If you want to use the Weaver, you'll get the most bang for your buck if you use it completely--IOW, drop BJUP for Bible. There are lots of good products, but you just can't use them all :-)


I'm not a big fan of most vocabulary-controlled basal reader programs such as R&S's or BJUP's or anything else. I'd rather go for letting dc read good books from the library (or books suggested by Weaver?), *maybe* using the book report forms from the Love to Learn Place.

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Thanks for the new replies! I appreciate opinions that differ from mine because it requires me to think past what I've got set in my mind. Lol. I tend to have tunnel vision these days. ;)

I've decided I'm going to put Weaver on the shelf until I finish the BJU mostly for financial reasons, I bought it new and it cost me as much as the Weaver did in it's entirety. :) haha!

I do have books to cover nearly every subject aside from weaver set, so it won't cost too much more.


Christina- thanks for offering the dictating option it hadn't occurred to me to do that, but it's working! Thank you.

Can I ask more questions, not related to my original post.?.

I have questions about spelling, phonics, etc. That area.

For second grade, do I need to do phonics still? I was looking through it and seems like he already learned what's in the book in school last year.

For spelling I'm trying to decide between Sequential Spelling and Rod and Staff spelling.

Which one is better in general? Ethan is a natural speller so I *think* we would need something that focuses on the rules and such, which they probably all do. Please bear with me I haven't ever seen these books, so I have no idea and my questions probably seem silly.

I do appreciate the time taken to read and respond. :)

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Hi--I have done Weaver for 4 years now. So glad to see it mentioned here!! The best thing about Weaver is it's God focus and how all other academic's relate to the Bible lessons. The next best thing is that you can tailor it however you need to. If the writing is too much right now, just take it down a notch temporarily.


But, he is very young and I would keep it very simple right now! There is lots of time to add in more as you go. You will be able to teach all your kids together as they get older--that is a HUGE blessing and time saver in my opinion. It's the other most wonderful thing for our school!


Weaver is a wonderful and amazing curriculum. My boys remember so much and love it! It can be used with lots of great literature, notebooking, worksheets, hands on or whatever you want!


There is a great Yahoo group with lots of ladies who have been Weaving for many, many years. You can get LOTS of help there too if you have more questions. Specifically, this question has come up a lot--a LOT of boys have trouble with this--girls too, of course, but boys seem to really have issues here. I have three of them--I just require a little bit and try not to make it a big deal and fun! They truly just get used to it. You can have him draw and dictate to you and then have him copy it if possible.



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Oh wow! Your the only other weaver I've met on here!

So, since you've been doing this curriculum for a while, my first question was that I was trying to figure out a way to get both Bible lessons In without it being overwhelming. I bought the BJup Bible for second grade before I learned about Weaver, and it was pricey. So, I'd like to use it, but I'm unsure how to work in the Weaver Bible lesson along with the Bob Jones Bible.

Do you think this would be overwhelming? I don't want them to miss the significance of how the Bible lessons from Weaver correlate directly with what we're learning about in all our other lessons! !

Maybe I should ask on the Yahoo group, but I found it confusing.

Probly cause I didn't try very hard to figure it out. Lol.

Thanks again and hopefully you'll see this thread again and read this! Thank you.

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Hmmm...that's a tough one. The Weaver Bible lessons are sooo meaty and so great that I really can't see doing another Bible curriculum. But, you could do it on the review day. The Day by Day will schedule you to do a lesson on Day 1 and then review the same one on Day 2--a new lesson on Day 3 and review it on Day 4, etc. There are some chapters in later Volume's that there is not a review day and frankly I leave it out now--I don't do the review days.


You can always sell the BJU Bible and get most of your money back? Really try to use Weaver on it's own. There are areas that I do lots of other things, but Bible is one I have NEVER been tempted to stray from. I don't know much about it, but you could always do it as a bedtime read? Or, on weekends?? Over the summer? Stretch it out over time?


Log into Yahoo groups and do a search for Weaver curriculum. It should come up and you just click on join group, I think, and answer those questions. You'll be approved and then get great support! Ladies have been Weaving there for a long time.





3 boys (10, 8, 5)

Weaver, Volume 5

SOS, CLE, Horizons, and MUS and lots of resources!

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