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What do you do with an easel?

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I mean, beyond the obvious (painting). We have one. It's way under used. Mostly cause I'm not okay with leaving paint there with my 4yo and 2 yo on the loose lol. I've done tying a few crayons to a page, I've done tying a small bundle of crayons to the page. There's a whiteboard and a chalk board (non magnetic). I've had collage materials with a glue stick tied to the page. Any other ideas?


If I don't find easy, kid friendly ways to use this think I probably will just donate it. It takes up too much space!

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So, judging from the type and quantity of answers I've gotten , that's about all they're good for! I've tried pretty hard to use it, in spurts, but maybe they're reaaaaallllllly not all that? Just stereotypically "complete childhood" type stuff? I thought I just wasn't being creative enough lol!


. . . Or the fact that dh seems to think it's his personal coat stand was in the way of TRUE creativity! :glare:

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We enjoyed ours from time to time... perhaps they can use it in the yard with paint? We had a large room in our garage that was perfect for things like "paint"... And we had a large porch that worked well for that stuff. I really like the yard idea if that works for you, that way you aren't as concerned about paint problems/spills...


Some of mine were toddlers and some upper elementary when we had ours, so the older ones and I left notes to each other on the chalk board! It was so sweet!

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We enjoyed ours from time to time... perhaps they can use it in the yard with paint? We had a large room in our garage that was perfect for things like "paint"... And we had a large porch that worked well for that stuff. I really like the yard idea if that works for you, that way you aren't as concerned about paint problems/spills...


Some of mine were toddlers and some upper elementary when we had ours, so the older ones and I left notes to each other on the chalk board! It was so sweet!


Actually, now that you mention it, outside was fun . . . sigh. summer seems like a long time ago and a long way off. Maybe I'll fold it up and put it int he basemetn for a revival later this year. I'm not impulsive at all so I doubt I'll chuck it.


And maybe as they get older, they'll use it more. Attention span and all that.



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Ugh. I hate our easel. I'm on the second now because the first got relegated to the backyard and fell apart. If they weren't so darn cheap at IKEA I would never have bought another one. It just sits in the corner of one of the kids bedrooms taunting me that I don't have enough time to be a fun, artsy, crafty mom. I'm no help.

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1. Makes a great welcome sign just outside the front door when we have parties. Ditto for homeschool events where we want to show folks they're in the right place. Attach balloons!


2. Great for playing Pictionary with a big group at parties. Nice to do with teens.


3. Perfect for teaching a math class to teens in my dining room. I have several white boards I prop up on the paint-holder-shelf-thingy. I can hand out the white boards, have the kids do problems, then have them bring up their board and present their problem. Plus I aim a web cam at the board and Skype a student into the class from overseas.


4. OK Family! We're getting organized this weekend! We must tackle this major family project! Tasks are listed on the board! Pick one and do it, then cross it off the list! Let's work together to get this job done!


5. And, you know, painting.

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Ours moves in and out of the family room to garage storage. I do use it for painting outside in summer. But mostly I stick it against the wall with the chalkboard facing outward and they like to color with chalk. DD5 first started scribbling letters on it at age 3 while watching Leap Frog (it stands near the tv). They do seem to like to color standing up.

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My dc kids love our easel. I keep a page of the big Color Wonder pages on each side with CW markers in the tray. They have free reign of it in the playroom.


When we paint (about once a week) I use washable paint and toss an old tablecloth under the easel.


They also love to throw a blanket over it for a hiding spot.

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