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Human Odyssey

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Can someone point me in the right direction; I've been contemplating History Odyssey and now I'm more intrigued with the Human Odyssey. How does it work? how is it set up? what grades is it for? Please forgive me if there is a website that has all these answers, I can't seem to find it. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated <3

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If you search Amazon for Intermediate World History A and/or B, you will usually be able to find Teacher Guides and Student Pages for sale used or new. I have a Teacher Guide for "A", but it looks like the Student Pages are needed for the program, as well. Caveat: I haven't used this yet, and haven't looked it over completely, but I think others on the forum have. Hopefully, someone will be able to pop in and answer some of your questions about it.

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We're using History Odyssey (ancients level 2) with Human Odyssey book 1 next year for 5th grade. Hist Od Uses The Story of Mankind and Kingfisher as the spine and I'm not keen on them. Hist Od lays things out and gives suggestions for books, writing assignments, etc, which I really like and gives me a good framework for the year. I'm working on plugging in the pages from Human Od into the Hist Od lessons. Once I have it completed (it may take a while), I may post them on my hs blog. Unless I lose my mind first. :D

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Short version: You probably can do without the extra student/teacher pages. It probably depends on your teaching/learning style.


Longer version: My DS took K12's History program while he was still in PS. He enjoyed the textbook, but found most of the student sheets to be busy work. We didn't finish the K12 course because he was promoted to another grade, but we did get more than 1/2 way though the program. I kept the textbook but tossed out the pages we had left.


When we started HSing we started with a college textbook which he enjoyed, but he missed the casual HO style. We decided to change back to HO and start the book over. We are now using it as our main world history spine. We discuss what we read and add-in videos, web materials and reference books as needed. Using this approach, we don't find anything lacking without the online chapter reviews/tests or student/teacher materials. You could use an oral review for comprehension or assign additional research/essay/etc.


I suggest you purchase from Amazon, it's a faction of the price you'll pay purchasing from K12. We purchased "like new" and you could barely tell it had been used. Hope this helps someone. :001_smile:

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The K12, The Human Odyssey, book does have student and teacher pages. I own the teacher pages and they don't seem that great. I am glad I didn't pay more than a couple buck for it. I hear from others that the student pages are lots of worksheets. I am not a fan of that sort of work so I am not bothering to get the book.


And yes, K12 provides lesson plans etc if you sign up for their plan. You get the text and the student pages and the teacher pages. There might even be an online component etc. So, if you are interested in more of a virtual school K12 might be a good option.


There are lots of threads in this forum and in the K-8 forum about both The Human Odyssey text book and History Odyssey curriculum.

And, just to make things more confusing, there is another text book called "Human Odyssey" by Spielvogel.

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Thank you! I did find that after I did more searching; I'm still debating; I've seen them for sale used for 30$ on amazon, but I just don't know..


The texts themselves are quite engaging and well-written, but IMHO the teacher & student pages are not worth it — lots of busy work, plus some of the activities and exercises they refer to are only available online to students who are signed up with K12.


I don't think it would be difficult or complicated to come up with a lesson plan for it. E.g., I think there's roughly 40 chapters in Volume 1, so you could just do about a chapter per week. If you flip through the book, you may find that you want to condense a few topics and expand a few others, but it would be easy to tweak.



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I am planning on doing the second and third Human Odyssey books. I got the student pages and actually like the look of them. They have short answer comprehension questions for each chapter, which I am planning to have my kids read over before reading the chapter. I may use the questions for review or quizzes, too. The pages were only about $10 on Amazon, so if you can get them cheap you may consider. I wouldn't have paid a lot for them.

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We are using Human Odyssey, Vol. 1 for 5th right now. DS11 loves it - the conversational style is similar to SOTW (which we did in 1st-4th). I love it because it pulls things together into a big picture of mankind's progress through history.


I did get the Teacher's Manual cheap on Amazon. As other posters said, much of it is useless, but I find the chapter summaries and key concepts to learn rather helpful to me. I also use bits and pieces to develop DS's weekly writing assignment.


We pair Human Odyssey with the literature list from Classical House of Learning and the mapwork in History Odyssey. I've also found extra fiction reading for DS just because he likes historical fiction. (We clearly spend more time than really necessary on history, but I can use it for our reading and writing work.)

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I found the HO book for $21ppd on ebay last week so be sure to check there too. If you call K12 they will give you a login so you can go look at the online stuff. We ordered the online access since how its done online is great for my visual learner who will get more out of the OLS then the book due to how she learns. I wish their earlier courses were more like this rather then the dry offline bookwork.

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I am using Human Odyssey with my oldest, the younger two are using SOTW 1. I matched them up so everyone is on the same topic, so we can all watch the same videos, read extra books, etc. I also got the student and teacher books; I have yet to use the teacher book, ds will do some of the related student pages. There have been short answer questions, but also a couple of nice projects like filling in a chart comparing cultures, etc. There are also a few map exercises in there.


Overall I have been happy with it, but in retrospect would not have bought the teacher book...

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