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ds8 wants an intelligent wife....

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....like you Mummy because I think she should home educate our children. I think it is very important that they don't go to school but stay at home because otherwise they won't have a close relationship with their mother because they'll be out all day. :001_smile:


Will he still think like that in a few years time? :lol:


Nice to be appreciated occasionally!


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My Ds told me he wanted to go to college and get a good job so his wife won't have to work and can stay home and teach their kids, just like me. It is very important to him that he cam tale care.of.his.family, like his daddy.does.

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My 9 yo ds wants to be a video game designer and an author. He was talking about this in the car the other day, and said he also wanted to homeschool his children. He wants to pick out the best curriculum so they can learn everything they need to know before they go to college. Then he said, "Well, I'd better get a wife that is willing to stay home and do the homeschooling, because I'm going to be pretty busy with writing all my books and designing video games!"


It's so cute when they say stuff like that.


7 yo ds wants to be a stay at home dad and take care of the kids while his wife goes to work. He's not sure about homeschooling them, though, since that seems like a lot of work! :lol:

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