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Please help me with my dog

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I am really going to try to treat him at home for his ear issue. We have had so many unexpected vet emergencies and I really need to try to save us from getting more.


My dog had two tiny nicks in his ear which bled profusely. I am not exaggerating when I say the outside of our house looked like a murder scene. Dog's ears are very vascular hence the unbelievable amount of bloodloss. The bleeding causes them to shake their heads a lot.


The vet finally stopped the bleeding, bandaged Him up by laying the ear flat on his head and wrapping the entire head to keep the ear flat on his head, then sent him home with antibiotics and an e-collar. Today was bandage removal. He immediately shook his head and opened up the ear again. :banghead:


I think that he is further upsetting it because he is constantly trying to dig at his ear through the e-collar. The inside of his ear is fire red now. The vet was going to send me home with a numbing spray, was it lidacaine? (sp?) but I saw it did NOTHING to ease the irritation. I tried tea tree oil. Nothing. I am desperate to get this dog to stop digging at his ear! I cant believe how bad it looks, damage he has caused through the e-collar!


Any advice as to what I should try next to soothe the inside of his ear? It is fire engine red!

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Seriously, coconut oil. I wouldn't use tea tree, as it spreads easily and burns like hell if you get it in your eye. (and maybe even nose) Coconut oil.... will help slow down the bleeding. I might try something to help with the healing besides Coconut oil.... but can't think of anything ;( You'd think there'd be something like Super Glue or some powder something to shake on it :(

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Seriously, coconut oil. I wouldn't use tea tree, as it spreads easily and burns like hell if you get it in your eye. (and maybe even nose) Coconut oil.... will help slow down the bleeding. I might try something to help with the healing besides Coconut oil.... but can't think of anything ;( You'd think there'd be something like Super Glue or some powder something to shake on it :(


EXCELLENT idea! Thank you!!!


The tears are covered so I don't think he is causing further bleeding. They are on the edge of his ear while the irritation is now on the inside due to all the scratching. I have quick stop powder to apply to the ear when I remove the bandages. I may leave them on longer than suggested.


Now that I think of it, he is on antibiotics just in case the ear got infected at the mini wound sight.

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Denise -- how about an antihistamine to decrease the inflammation?


There are pet dosages on line -- just google 'dog antihistamines over the counter' for the dosage.


I know you don't want to go back to the vet, but maybe a shot of cortisone would also calm the inflammation.


Seems to me that if you could calm the inflammation, he would leave it alone and the cuts could heal.


I know that canine ears bleed ALOT. Our yellow lab (years ago when we had her) got bit on the ear by a puppy we were thinking of adopting and you would have thought a violent crime had taken place.



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Denise -- how about an antihistamine to decrease the inflammation?


There are pet dosages on line -- just google 'dog antihistamines over the counter' for the dosage.


I know you don't want to go back to the vet, but maybe a shot of cortisone would also calm the inflammation.


Seems to me that if you could calm the inflammation, he would leave it alone and the cuts could heal.


I know that canine ears bleed ALOT. Our yellow lab (years ago when we had her) got bit on the ear by a puppy we were thinking of adopting and you would have thought a violent crime had taken place.




EXCELLENT idea. Thanks!


I am surprised the vet didn't recommend the cortisone. I half joked about more tranquilizers.


Would it be wrong to hog tie him? The vet never gave me a direct answer.:tongue_smilie:

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EXCELLENT idea. Thanks!


I am surprised the vet didn't recommend the cortisone. I half joked about more tranquilizers.


Would it be wrong to hog tie him? The vet never gave me a direct answer.:tongue_smilie:


Vet probably wasn't sure if you were talking about you or the dog.:glare:

Let us know how he is doing!:grouphug:

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I would add cold compresses/ice pack. If someone can sit with him and hold it on. Sounds like he needs to be kept under surveillance as much as possible so that he can't make it worse. A cortisone shot should be very inexpensive if the vets office will just let a tech give it w/o an office visit charge.

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Have you tried that self stick type bandages they use on kids and pets all around the ear to keep him from being able to actually get to the ear itself? We had to do that with one of ours who would not stop itching herself.


This is what we use: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4239986&lmdn=Dog+Health+Care


Also what about a different type of e-collar? http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4237585&lmdn=Dog+Health+Care


Good luck, we have been down this road and it's no fun.

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